Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Nicole and Kieth at the CMT's

At 6 month pregnant, Kidman looks thin and pretty here. I like her dress. Urban looks like he's selling snake elixir. Who designs the sets for this crap?? When country music has changed so that most of it can't even be labeled country, why do set designers hang onto notions that stitching, denim and fake rope represent country? It's lewd, it looks like it was designed by Porter Wagner during a seizure in the 50's.


Anonymous said...

Silly she not pregnant

Anonymous said...

It's just so weird that those 2 got t'gthr. She likes 'em short. But she's nearly 6 ft tall so alot of guys are shorter than she is. His choice of clothing is stupid. He shoulda wore jeans, tight ones, and a tight tee shirt with boots. Thats his look. Why is making out like she's the singer here? He's stepping off like it's her moment to shine! Thats so strange to me. It's his thing, not hers. Does she step off at the Oscars and let him shine? NO!!!! This is stupid. And she is just so tall that she's not showing much. & she was very thin anyway. We all hate her!!!

Anonymous said...

She looks beautiful as always and rail thin. I wish her the best and I hope everything goes smoothly for her this time.

Anonymous said...

she's 6 months pregnant???

Anonymous said...

If THAT'S six months worth of pregnant, then I'm a monkey's uncle.


Anonymous said...

I did not know she was married to Clay Atkins

Anonymous said...

The next three months should be interesting.

shannon.on.park said...

I'm five months pregnant and I'm knocking stuff off of tables with my belly!

Anonymous said...

She is not pregnant! She is not pretty! She is pale!

Anonymous said...

Wayyy too pale..what is she giving birth to: a tennis ball?