Friday, April 18, 2008

Nicole Kidman...wants her kids out of the cult

This is the most explosive celeb news this week...Nicole Kidman told a Scientology insider that she wants her children out of the cult and back to her religious roots..Catholicism. I have no doubt this gossip is true..
But, it's too late. Kidman has very limited access to her kids and husband Kieth Urban has admitted he doesn't even know them because they aren't around. Isabella and Conner don't even live with their dad either, they live at the Scientology school or with Tom's sister. It's all bizarre and Nicole will never get them back or out of Scientology. Tom Cruise may be nuts, but, he's powerful and so is the cult. Katie's fucked too. It's scary. Do you agree with me or think I'm exaggerating?


Anonymous said...

Nicole wants to fill their heads with Catholic bullshit instead.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Go suck a fat one Crabbie and have a nice tall glass of STFU to wash it down with.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Pope's getting any tail over here. American boys have such nice tight assholes.

Anonymous said...

100 and 10% agree!!!! Right on DD!!! CULT! Those kids are toast and so is Katie & Suri. Thats why Poshy dumped her ass, it's too dramatic to be around her, Tommy's gotta be all up in her ass all the time & Poshy likes to go out with her friends. Katie isn't allowed. Posh probably came to hate Tommy. I gotta give Posh props for that. Well, Katie can always shop herself to death! But Conner & Isabella are gonna be 2 weirdos just like dear ol' dad. Thats sickening. He thinks he can fly? Dayum!!! And she shouldn't have adopted the kids with Tom, she had to know it was just to legitimize the marriage and Suri's the same thing. Tom is not naturally attracted to women but he has to comply with the rules and not actually be a gay boy or he won't be allowed to fly!

Anonymous said...

I have to side with you too, Dishy (and also with Crabbie, but that's a whole other matter). I've read a lot about Scientology over the past few years, round about the time Crazy Cruise began talking so much about it. First, out of curiousity, and then because it's just so damn mind-boggling! Anyways, I truly believe they're a dangerous, manipulative, money-hungry cult; and they'll do ANYTHING they can to get bigger and richer and more powerful. Cruise has the weight of this cult behind him, which makes him fairly powerful, but I think his Hollywood power has been eroded substantially--entirely due to his involvement in the cult and his, um, odd behaviour as of late. His ex-publicist, Pat Kingsley, is no longer there to keep him on a short leash or protect him from bad press anymore. As for Nicole, she should have put her foot down during the divorce proceedings, so now it's WAY too late. And Katie pretty much made a deal with the devil; she sort of knew what she was getting into, and I guess she thought she could handle it or that it was worth it. I wonder how long it took her before she found out just how wrong she was?


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I don't think Nicole has a chance to get her 2 kids back. The only hope is when they become adult and realize what has happened to them and want out - but I don't see that happening either. Scientology seems to have their fingers around them and keeping them tight within their realms. That in itself should tell them something isn't right.

It's pretty sad. I am sure they love their mom, so maybe that will win in the end and they will escape from it all.

Katie and Suri - don't have a chance.


Anonymous said...

forgot to add - what a beautiful pic of her.


Anonymous said...

She could possibly get them back, but it would involve a huge, ugly, nasty lawsuit. Like -- hugely nasty. Don't know if she is ready for that.

Anonymous said...

i think that nic is scared shitless of the cult and thats why she keeps her trap shut about what tom has done to the kids. as for katie, well she's fucked. totally, totally fucked.