Monday, April 14, 2008

Our Government provides the worlds most expensive blow job

The US Government has the original, but, a copy of Marilyn Monroe blowing an unidentified man has been sold for $1.5 million dollars. The New York businessman who bought it says it will be kept under lock and key, out of respect. Hmm, I guess I was wrong. Marilyn did suck after all. I'll bet Lindsay Lohan is busy making a copy of herself doing Marilyn blowing, which will be worth three times as much. Ask her mom.


Anonymous said...

why does the US giv't own the original? Is it JFK? Or RFK? There's no reason for them to own this unless it was another blackmailing method used by Hoover against the Kennedy's. Why didn't Bobby expose Hoover's cross dressing back in the day? You know it was one of those Washington worst kept secrets that never leaked until he was dead! I think Hoover had this taken and it was probably John or Bobby getting serviced.

Anonymous said...

if there's 1 copy, trust me there are many more and probably from different angles!!!! Mo blow = mo dough!

Anonymous said...

Hoover was using the tape to try to discredit the Kennedys. The man receiving oral stimulation in the tape is never seen. They couldn't prove it was Jack or Bobby and gave up. Joe DiMaggio once tried to buy the copy for $25,000.

Anonymous said... starlets gave head & it got filmed back in the 50's too. So, whats new about that? Notta!!!! Same old, same old.

Anonymous said...

i bet hoover had his boyfriend re-enact that blowjob for 'government' purposes....

Anonymous said...

Miss Tia-"Hoover" being the operative word here!LMAO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Joe DiMaggio tried to buy it? What a wonderful man...
Who doesn't suck nowadays? I'm saddened to find out Monroe did.. only dirty girls do that!

Anonymous said...

i can totally believe dimagio trying to buy it...he really cared for marilyn and was probably one of the few men who didn't want to use her...

Anonymous said...

So why isn't this idiot destroying it?

Anonymous said...

.. only dirty girls do that!

U kiddin' me? women do that all the time for their bf's & husbands. It's not that big a deal. It's not clear if she knew she was being filmed or not and how old was she when this was filmed? She may have needed the cash badly! Who knows?!! But this was obviously a blackmail attempt or something else underhanded, so to speak...

Anonymous said...

Do it all the time for their lovers? EW, I never will. No cock in my mouth. lmfao