You may think most peoples eyes are aligned, but, they aren't..also if you draw, you know eyes are actually more in the middle of your face, not the top part. They are...go look. But, some people have really pronounced wonk of the placement. Gary Busey does. And Shannen Doherty always tips her head to try and offset it, but, she has one of the most asymmetrical eye placements ever. I skipped Paris Hilton, aren't you glad?
Gary Busey's horse teeth will forever override any wonk eye placement that he has.
Oh my god she does. How did I never notice this before! It's like a friggin Picasso!
This makes my stomach jumpy. I can't explain it, but it made me nervous to see this. I think it scares me maybe. Now I am gonna have to look at my eyes in a mirror and my kids! OMG! my kids!!! I think I would have noticed that by now, they are both in their 20's...whew! But honestly DD, this bothers me. Weird. Picasso was right on, huh amy?!
maybe that really explains these 2 split personalities?
Years ago, before the flood, I used to tell people that Shannon Doherty (not related to Pete) had "mismatched" eyes and George Michaels was gay. I got the same response from everyone on both assessments, "You're crazy!"
Thanks, once again, DD, for reaffirming that I am not not the only "crazy" person out here.
I always wondered -- back when Shannen was newsworthy -- why no one ever pointed that out. It is totally spooky! Imagine what she looks like in real life! Brrrrr!
Ain't cha seen Kardashian & JLo? Wierd Ass-placement.
She has always been a lop-side eyed freak!! I never understood why people thought she was hot! P.S. Her teeth are jacked up too!!
Busy looks like he has cateracts too, hes just a plain and simple strange humanbeing, the eyes and teeth just add to the freaky vibe.
He scares me.
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