Wednesday, April 16, 2008

RIP Paw Paw

Martha Stewart lost her beloved Chow, Paw Paw, he was 12 years old and passed peacefully. If you watch Martha, you've seen Paw Paw and all her other animals. Martha seems to relate to animals better than people. Even her chickens come when she calls them by name. Bye, Paw Paw.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Martha!. What a beautiful dog. I have a 13 year old Pomeranian that's a little too tall to be called a Pom, but whatever. He's blind and deaf, has barely any teeth and digs up the yard like a bomb crater. He has eaten coultless leather belts and fine shoes, chews on handbags and walks out to the living room routinely with panties in his mouth, he calmly sits and chews them. I will miss his pesky ass when he is gone.

Anonymous said...

She relates to animals better.... So do I! Animals would never do anything to hurt you, unlike humans! They're angels

Anonymous said...

@8:14 yeah, they never hurt you. They might kill you, eat you alive, turn your toddler into minced meat but they will never hurt you


Loosing a beloved pet is always hard. I know, I lost a couple of them. But don't canonize them. They are still animals - and a lot of them don't really care about you. You are just the 'feeder'.

Anonymous said...

I happen to agree with anon 8:14. I can relate to animals much more than I can most humans.

Yes of course animals can eat you..but at least that's instinct. Not like a sicko human who would stab you in the street for a quarter.


Anonymous said...

Martha probably made stew out of Paw Paw. She's evil.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a big puffy muppet! I'm sure she loved him very much. She's a mean hag but her dogs were probably treated better than her staff.

Anonymous said...

Poor Paw Paw! that just sucks!

And I completely agree with Eliza!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:28
I was referring to animals that are pets.. They only 1's that would hurt you/kill you are the 1's that are trained to do such. Dumbass

Anonymous said...

aww paw paw was so pretty a pup =(

I completly relate and agree with eliza as well.

If 8:28 thinks that pets dont really care for you over any other human, simply respond because your the hand that feeds them, its obvious youve never truly related to and connected with an animal, dog or other wise.

Even in the wild animals arent insane killing machines without understanding or even a level of compassion for lack of a better word. Threaten or 'train' an aminal into violence and deal with instinctual reactions.

I feel badly for MS, poor woman, her animals are probably her dearest & most trusted companions.