Friday, April 18, 2008

Rumer and her chin are out and about

America's favorite celeb for being born to celeb parents got her some hair weaves and went to a big shindig at Beso Thursday night. That's LongWhoria's new place, right? Yeah, it is..Gawd, I have such a hard time figuring out who's a bigger star, Eva LongWhoria or Rumer Willis. Anyway, Rumer was not allowed into the VIP area where Steve Aoki was doing his thing, so she left in a bit of a snit. Don't make me run a pic of Steve Aoki..such a douche. I mean, if there's a DJ it's either Aoki or a Ronson, right? Unless mega super star Brody Jenner gets wasted and spins a record. Beso must translate to DoucheWad. Can you tell it's going to be a sucky news day?


Anonymous said...

wow do the extentions ever make a difference to her face shape and over all look!

Anonymous said...

although this is a great improvement it does make you take notice of the shape of her nostrils and tip of her nose. Never noticed it before to be honest.

Anonymous said...

I've got some better news!!! We had a 5.4 earthquake here in Indiana this morning! My bed was shaking & it woke me up. My entire house was shaking & you could hear the rumbling of the earth. SCARY! Anyway, just a few minutes ago we had another aftershock & my desk & chair shook & swayed. The big ficus tree in my office was swaying & my window blinds were swinging. This is exciting!!! Rumor Willis is not exciting!!

Dirty Disher said...

Man! I hope you and yours are okay.

Anonymous said...

she looks like a real life version of the Conan O'Brien skit "if they mated"

Anonymous said...

Thanks DD! We are fine. Some people are actually pissed that they haven't felt the quakes!!! LOL. You don't feel them if you are driving etc. It's kinda a rush actually. As long as nobody's hurt I think it will be an exciting next few days until this settles down. We are supposed to have aftershocks for a few days, maybe weeks. We live near a big fault, it's the one that caused the Mississippi to run backwards once about 100 yrs ago. It's acting up again!

Anonymous said...

I still don't get why Rumer Willis is newsworthy at all, except that I...just...cannot... STOP STARING AT HER CHIN!! It's crazy, man!