Simon on Seacrest...I described him recently as like a little mosquito you have in your bedroom, which is after a while it’s oh, shut up. You know, it’s annoying. You don’t hate the mosquito, you just want it out of your face.
Ryan replied: "Bzzzzzzzz" No, he said Simon has to be right and hates being challenged. Which is like saying Simon IS right. Seacrest is a bug.
Ryan replied: "Bzzzzzzzz" No, he said Simon has to be right and hates being challenged. Which is like saying Simon IS right. Seacrest is a bug.
Don't be fooled
they're lovers
Naw, Ryan has moved on to Benji Maddens leftovers! And he's lying if he said "you don't hate the mosquito"...umm, I hate the things!!! How can you not?
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