"When we were filming the pilot, I was single and so was he, and I kind of had my eye on him. I was getting nowhere and I was super confused. "Katherine Heigl on her gay costar T.R. Knight
Heigl must be so boring in real life that she struggles to make up innocuous lies to have something to say. First of all, you had to know he's gay and second of all, he is a foot shorter than you and I will believe you lusted after him just as soon as the ink dries on that check I wrote for the Brooklyn bridge. We get it..you support your gay friends. Now, stop making my ass tired!
Nice made-up story, though.
TR looks like a middle-aged lady in drag... 'least in that photo.
How tall is he, because he looks so short in this pic beside her!
Katherine Heigl (5ft 8.5in)
T.R. Knight (5ft 7in)
the body language in this pic is astounding to me. Could it be any plainer??? My gawd, they do not like each other, at all.
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