Friday, April 11, 2008

Those aren't Kates kidding.

Kate Hudson on her photoshopped promo pic: "They are so not my boobs - they look too perfect. Seriously, if I ever wanted to have them done, I’d take this poster to the doctor and say, ‘This is what I want them to look like."
Anyone else find it odd that someone picked Kate Hudson to play a role and then shopped her breasts? Why not just hire someone with tits? Or better yet, just show Kate's butt, which is one of the nicest in Hollywood? I'll never watch this anyway, I have "piece of crap" radar.


Anonymous said...

Those really aren't anything to get too excited about. She is really boob-free tho. But at least go for something bigger if you're gonna do it! The shopped ones are just a smidge bigger than hers and kinda squished up in the pick to create more roundness. She got nuthin'.

Anonymous said...

PS: I also won't be seeing this unless it's on free TV some Sunday afternoon.

Anonymous said...

I'd take that poster to my Dr too and tell him thats what I want my husband to look like. Anything you can do??? Please!!!!