Sunday, April 13, 2008

Three pretty girls

Viola curled up with her favorite toy is taking a break from her very important job. Viola is a seeing eye dog for Jordan. Viola also likes shopping and cool hats. Reader Kirsty sent in these photos of her and her best friends. I think you are all beautiful. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I read that it costs $35,000 to train a seeing eye dog. It's a wonderful charity to contribute to, if you're thinking about a gift.. Beautiful pics.


Anonymous said...

it's definitely a great thing to contribute to, it makes such a difference in these people lives. there's also a program where you can raise and help train the seeing eye puppies which is a big help too. (i'm actually doing that in a year and i'm really looking forward to it) :)

Anonymous said...

Awww! Such a sweet story DD. Thank you for sharing this today. I love the doggy!!!!