Katie Holmes cut her hair real short..we might see some better pics when Tommy Girl approves them. Katie had dinner with Posh, doing some damage control (told ya) and they ordered..get this..a small side salad with no dressing, a small piece of steamed fish and a little spinach. THEN they split the meal between them. Okay, whatever, sometimes I'm not that hungry either when I go out, but, something tells me these two dingbats eat like this all the time. The weirdest thing they did was order one regular Coke and Katie poured it into two glasses then poured bottled water on top of both. Who the frig waters down Coke? That should be illegal. Weirdos!
Katie drank Coke? Wouldn't that cause her to short circuit?
Calorie obsessed and scared to gain an ounce. Katie is so tall tho she could gain 10 pounds and not be noticed but Posh is tiny & she admits to having that saggy after babies tummy, but she still shimmies into her tight jeans and looks good. It's an illusion. Why'd they even bother to eat at all? Whats the point? Order a large pizza & a beer girls, work it out!!!
no, Katie is waterproof - like every realdoll.
You know what? When we are all dead is anybody gonna care in 50 years if we ate or not? If we were skinny or not? Enjoy your life! Be healthy, yes, don't get fat...but you gotta eat. No wonder they both don't smile, they are starving to death & pissed off about it! Katie runs doesn't she? Supposedly, I don't think it's true, but Posh doesn't work out does she? I think her work out is wearing stilettos chasing her cute boys around!!
stupid 'too short' haircut. She has big ears & now she's gone & let them out!
I have loved Katies hair ever since she hooked up with Tom Thumb.
Having said that, she is emaciated, & she looks down seemingly all the time, and her smile (when she has one) is chronically asymetrical. She appears not to be a happy woman. I look forward to the day when she dives outta that cult, takes her kid, learns to hold her head up, and realizes she is now happy.
she's acting out with her hair. I'm tellin' ya'!!! It's an outward sign of her inner feelings. Girls always change their hair in hopes to change their feelings. It's like when a girl gets dumped & she gets a total make-over and new hair color, cut, the works. Anything to help ease the pain, ya' know?? She needs to leave Tom. She's gonna be a bald skeleton when she does!! Wonder if she ever gets to see her family? Or go to Ohio to see them with Suri? If she does you know they don't get a moment alone, her Scientolgy escorts probably censor every word and monitor every conversation. Sad, sad.
Anon 1:36 is right....girls do the haircut thing when they're frustrated or have a deep desire to change. Look what Brit did. Katie needs help to be strong & independent. Do you suppose the Scientolofux threatened her?
Why is it that she's barely eating, while her creepy little husband often looks bloated and pudgy? Love the double standard, Tommy. But then again, maybe I'm not being fair. After all, poor girl can barely swallow anymore...I know I'd be too nauseous to eat being married to Tiny Tom.
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