Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What do they feed all those kids?

Life And Style knows everything. "If Zahara wants ice cream for breakfast, she'll get it. They like to take care of the kids on their own. But they can't cook, so they look for food that comes out of a box and doesn't have to be cooked - and the kids just love fried food." Brad and Angelina work really hard at letting their kids be normal. That means they let them do stuff we all did as kids, like eat chocolate or a bag of chips."
"Sources" also claim that besides ice cream for breaky, junk food for dinner, and sugary soft drinks any old time, the Pitt clan has no bedtime. It's just whenever they pass out, because Angie and Brad hate being strict.
Dude..that's called giving up. I know the feeling. The kids have won and you are now screwed.


Anonymous said...

Angelina should hire Gwyneths Paltrows nanny who wrote a book saying its okay to give the little snits a peice of candy to shut them up.

Anonymous said...

It's called lazy parenting. The kids are going to end up fat, lazy and ridden with tooth decay! They will be even more narcissistic than A.J & her creepy brother James Haven.

Adoptalina hasn't seen nothing yet. I predict her favorite, the flava flav kid will go ape shit one day and EAT skankalina and/or Shiloh alive.

Anonymous said...

anony 3:06

I had the same vibe about one of the kids turning on the other kids. weird huh?

Anonymous said...

now, if they were a regular, non celebrity family, childrens services would be all over them for not taking care of those kids. i guess money does buy anything.

Anonymous said...

3:20 I don't think Mizz Know it All, A.J knew what she was getting into mixing these kids from different backrounds. Couldn't she & her tool, Brad just supported the families or the orphanage. It's not a race thing at all. It's a biological thing. It's only going to get worse when the kids resent brangelina. It's no secret how delusional Adoptalina is. She thought this Rainbow family thing would make her into a Princess Diana or Mother Theresa for the media, lol! NOT!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yes its funny we have a quite famous adoptee/bio-kid wealthy family here in melbourne called the lea family. the lea family here in australia are famous for their darryl lea chocolate and sweet shops (most recently they won a court case against cadbury's for using the colour purple on their chocolate wrappers) anyway in the 50's the lea family adopted three kids to act as 'playmates' to their three bio kids, cause mum and dad were so busy empire building. it was a disaster and only one adopted kid now survives. one commited suicide (after much time in jail) and the other also commite suicide in a way because he became a poet and died of excess (too much wine, tobacco and gunga).

Anonymous said...

im beginning to hate her with a passion.

Anonymous said...

Too lazy to learn a few easy recipes. I am not surprised at all that a "no discipline" environment is the norm in that household. What a bunch of spoiled elitists. When they are used to ordering their minions around is no wonder that they would expect for the children to be taken care of by someone else as well. I know people that raised their kids like that, and they turned into ill-mannered little punks. Angelina is crazy and Brad has no balls.

Anonymous said...

A super skinny friend of mine used to let her kids eat marshmallows for their dinner. A big meal at their house was Campbells' chicken noodle soup & grilled cheese sandwiches, and thats what she'd make for her husband for supper! Some people don't cook. Maybe thats the secret to staying skinny? Eat marshmallows, ice cream, chips and stay up late? But I can still hate AJ can't I? Thot so! Thx.

Anonymous said...

Where's the parents???? I'm glad she didn't adopt any of my kids! dayum! Selfish, demanding,fat,monster-bratty kids with cavities is what her future holds. Those kids are gonna give 'em hell someday. Why isn't Brad being a father? He needs to do that now & not try to be a father later when they are in trouble and he's so old & irrelvant that it doesn't matter anymore. Too bad, kids need at least 1 strong parent to guide them & give them direction & purpose and the ability to respect others.

Anonymous said...

Smugolina only has kids to act as Narcisstic Supply and you can see how much feeding her ego needs by the volume of children in her family.
How THEY fare in life is immaterial to such people, it's how SHE fares that will always be paramount to her. She stupidly believes she's giving them a "happy" childhood - what a moron she is.

My sis-in-law treated her 3 the same way Smugo's doing and now they have addiction, insecurity and weight problems.

Anonymous said...

How hard is it to cut up some fruit, fry up some ggs & put bread in a toaster? or even make some oatmeal?

I'm sure Just Jared & some of the other brangelooney blogs have some excuses for these two dolts. It amazes me how morons worship two of the most pathetic & stupid people on Earth. Not to mention, two of the most dishonest scumbags in Hollyweird.

Good luck to the kids. I feel the worst for Shiloh. I hope that little girl survives!

Anonymous said...

RIght on to the above!. My sister-in-law did the same. She never gave them a schedule or fed them in a high chair. She sat in the couch and let the kids sith while me and my husband were like flies over them cutting food and taking away screwdrivers. They are both overweight and insecure mal adjusted kids. She remains convinced that she has done nothing wrong, despite the courts taking her kids away.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:38 That sounds like just flat out laziness! You have to be dilgent with kids and stay with the program. Sometimes of course things go haywire. But kids need basic guidelines & rules. Look how f'd up AJ was and she blames her dad. Her kids can now do the same to her when the time comes. She will still be blaming her dad for that as well, I'm sure. It's just lazy parenting or lack thereof!

Anonymous said...

You'd think with all their money they could certainly afford a cook and provide proper nutrition for their growing children...not to speak of a pregnant mom with twins.
What are they thinking? They should quit while they are behind.

Anonymous said...

Angelina had what I would class as a rough childhood and maybe thats why she feels the need to let the kids eat this way and set no bounries but my understanting is that Brad had a good childhood etc and he should at least know how to raise kids to a degree....I mean didn't he learn anything from his parents growing up?

Anonymous said...

Oh please if child services were all over every parent who allowed their kids to each junk & fast food, even every day, 70% of the kids would be whipped out of their homes.

Theres very very few kids these days who dont eat something 'junkie' every day and that includes crap (nutrition wise) meals prepared at home, and you all know it.

Anonymous said...

it's just so remarkable that she is supposed to be looked up to & admired for her parenting, and she wants to be worshipped, then we see her kids with Cheet-os all the time. It's the total opposite of perfection, she needs to get over herself and admit she's a lazyass mom & doesn't wanna cook her kids a decent meal. If she'd shut up & stop being such a preacher to everyone, we wouldn't see so much wrong with this sitch.

Anonymous said...

GET OVER YOURSELVES PEOPLE!!! So fucking what if the kids eat this crap from time-to-time?! Do you REALLY think they're feeding them that bullshit all 24/7? Maybe when all of you do solid gold parenting, you can write a fuckin book for the rest of us to read!

Anonymous said...

Or maybe Lil' pasty faced DoughBlob will wake up one morning and suck everybody's blood to give some color to said pasty face. Then she can fit in with her sibs.

Oh and Mother Teresa didn't have any kids and Diana only had two of her own-same race. I can't see how Angelina would be trying to get the media to see her as either of them. Actually I don't believe she gives a shit what the media or "the peasants" think of her. She clearly is into her own thing.