Saturday, April 19, 2008

When 23 is way too old

Emma Watson is replacing ScarJo in "Napoleon and Betsy," because Scarlett Johansson was deemed too old for the role. Watson, 18, will play Betsy Balcombe, a young, impetuous noblewoman trapped on the isolated British island of St. Helena who falls in love with Napoleon, who has been exiled there.
I doubt it would make much difference, it sounds like a flop. Emma just turned 18 and was handed her earnings which amount to over $20 million dollars, but, her quick thinking parents sent her to some financial classes so she'd know how to handle it. Looks to me like she knows how to spend her money.
Here's the question of the day..who (besides Napoleon) would YOU like to be stranded on an island with?


Anonymous said...

someone alive or dead? i mean, a dead person whilst they were alive....

charlie chaplin
ed norton
dweezil zappa
john taylor of duran duran

Anonymous said...

if I had to choose between this two 'ladies' I would choose Emma. Nicer face IMHO,

If I could choose freely, I girl who lived here for some time. Very cute with a sweet french accent.

Dirty Disher said...

I like your choices Tia, I might have chosen Prince once, but, then I really thought about it and I picked Martha Stewart. By the time I drug my fat ass out of the surf, Martha would have a shelter built, a hammock woven and be searing me some hand caught lobster in a white palm sauce. The woman could probably make sun screen out of rocks.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to go with Neil Young, as much as I like your idea of Martha, DD. I'll do the foraging while he sings and writes songs. Also, Robert Downey Jr., because not only is he gorgeous, but he can sing too! I also wouldn't mind being stuck with John Cusack (he's such a cutie).


Illya Allen said...

Jennifer Beals, because she seems cool-headed and respectful toward other people.

cupcake said...

Johnny Depp (duh).

Anonymous said...

Emma is adorable. & don't get crazy on us here people. It's legal to drink in the UK at 18 I believe. SJ is yucky! She has a weird shaped face & she thinks her sh** don't stink!!

Anonymous said...

Paula Deen, 'cuz she's fun & can cook anything & make it yummy. & she's cute as he**!!! & Funny!!!!! She'd make me laugh thru all the hard times & we'd both get skinny for lack of butter!