Friday, May 23, 2008

14 year old siren

Yeah, stole it from Mario. I'm too lazy to find it anywhere else, besides I think he gives head to someone at People mag to get this shit and I'm too lazy to give head either. Crabbie and I were looking at this photo together yesterday and both of us going "WTF??" We decided it's disturbing, though I'm not sure why. Ali Lohan is 14, but, she has clothes on. But, she's 14! What's with the heels, the pose, the sticking the boobs out, the look in her eyes??? She's 14..stop it! Click to make it big, but, you'll only be more disturbed. Unless you're a child molester, in which case, enjoy. From the computer..then go die.


Anonymous said...

I see nothing even remotely cute about this girl. Nothing! She keeps saying that she wants to follow in her sister's footsteps....can someone tell her to have a big glass of STFU now?!

Anonymous said...

think she's still a virgin? Hmmm? wow...this says alot about her parents. She's over before she even gets started. She always looks mean to me. I don't think she has any charisma. We are not drawn to this girl. LL did have that back in the day.

Anonymous said...

Cocaine, heroin and meth is what she has to look forward to. SHit, just go look in her Mommies condom locker. Dina will be a lonely Mother when both her kids are calling her a shitty parent, and asking questions about where all the money went. Lindsay is already in the poor house by some accounts.

Anonymous said...

Love the quote attached to the photo. Did these people learn nothing from Lindsay's multiple DUI's and being fired from various films because of her unreliability?? Knock yourself out, Ali!

Anonymous said...

child prostitution.

Dina must be very proud of herself and absolutly unscrupulous.

the Constantly Dramatic One said...

I dont think even child molesters get off from this kid.

She's fug.

Anonymous said...

does anyone else notice that her shoes don't fit properly in this pix??

Anonymous said...

like the fricken barbie doll placed on the dresser. Please...

Anonymous said...

Her comment is pretty sad. "....she tells me the right things to do...."

This is nuts.