Monday, May 26, 2008

Beyonce is moving to Scarsdale

Bouncie and her husband, Jay-Z are moving into a multi million dollar colonial in Scarsdale, NY. Yeah, a colonial. In Scarsdale. Weird. Scarsdale may be ritzy, but, it's not exactly the hip hop capital of the world. I couldn't give a fat crap where they live, but, I was mesmerized by that thing on her head. What the F is that? It looks like a chubby beaver has curled up on her head to contemplate building a dam in her brain. Bouncie's beaver. There's a post title sure to get hits.


Anonymous said...

it looks like her hair is painted on (on her scalp there) and that foo foo bump is like a hair clog from a drain...

Dirty Disher said...

Drain clog! That's it.

Anonymous said...

"chubby beaver has curled up on her head to contemplate building a dam in her brain. Bouncie's beaver."

Well, if Lohan reads your blog, Beyonce may be in grave danger of a head injury.

Anonymous said...

I hate to be crude but it looks like a pile of doggie doo-doo.

Anonymous said...

Remember that acrylic "wool" that people used back in the 70s to make macrame? I think it was called Fentex, but don't quote me. Anyways, that stuff you could comb out into really thin little fibres. Call me crazy, but her hair looks exactly like that to me.


Anonymous said...

Jay Z always reminded me of those space aliens that take over the spaceship in the movie "The fifth element". I think its the huge head, almost cabbage patch dollish.