Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Beyonce's addiction hurt her head

Beyonce in Monte Carlo yesterday. Now the beaver is gone and she's got this. I think it's pretty clear to us women what's going on here. Bouncie has probably been advised to give her real hair a break or lose it to her wig and wig glue addiction. She needs to go to wig addicts rehab. Maybe Ken Paves can start one.


Anonymous said...

well, at least she's airing out her head...what about britney's head?? hasn't been aired out in over a year! can daddy spears get a court order to make her let her 'real' hair out???

Anonymous said...

I don't get this post? Her nappy roots are showing. But they always do. I don't get it. Is she losing her hair? What? Or is it all about this being her own natural hair? She's still using a chemical straightener, that is harsh. I don't understand this post at all. Unless there's a bald spot I'm missing, whats the deal? She's probably pregnant & has been told to knock it off. Fro in the works people.

Anonymous said...

I don't see anything but roots and photoshop

Anonymous said...

If there is ever a wigs anonymous, the hollywood list would be sooooo long!!

I soooo hope she's not pregnant, too early!

Anonymous said...

It looks like her makeup line extends into her scalp. Or, maybe its ring worm.

meluvsmesome: "I soooo hope she's not pregnant, too early!" -
By hollywood's standards, she's actually behind. She's already married, afterall.

Anonymous said...

pissymood= I stand corrected!