Friday, May 23, 2008

“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” Movie Trailer

Brad Pitt as a man (baby?) born old, who grows young. Intriguing.


Anonymous said...

I've read the book . It really is good ! Don't know about the movie though .

Anonymous said...

Brad was always over rated. For Example, Brad got all the Attention for Fight Club but I think Ed Norton is a Much Better Actor, with much more Range.

Anonymous said...

at first I thought I was excited and intrigued by the movie since the book was amazing, but now? I don't know. the trailer looked pretty creepy too me. and I agree with second poster. brad pitt is WAY overrated and in Fight Club I thought Edward Norton stole the show (but I will admit to an undying love of him since I first came acrosss him so maybe I am biased.)