Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Guess who was in Manhattan for the SATC premiere?

Bette Midler and her look alike daughter, Sophie. Bette did something right with this kid. Sophie is 25, smart, funny, witty, independant and loves her parents. She's not planning a tell all book..and that says something. Bette is still adorable too.


Anonymous said...

I agree. Bette Midler is talented, funny, intelligent and classy. She is everything Joy Behar tries unsuccesfuly to be.

Anonymous said...

Midler's not in that movie is she? Those other old bags are bad enough...

Dirty Disher said...

Naaaa, she was a lookie loo. Seems like EVERYONE was there.

Anonymous said...

Bette is my girl. Her daughter is so cute.

She is everything Joy Behar tries unsuccesfuly to be.

Touche'! anon 10:06

Anonymous said...

Bette's daughter Sophie is 21, not 25.
but yes, she is adorable and a great kid.

Dirty Disher said...

So sorry.