Friday, May 23, 2008

I forgot about Steven Tyler!

Tyler checked himself into Las Encinas Hospital’s drug rehabilitation clinic in Pasadena, California yesterday. The 60 year young Aerosmith frontman is gonna get his rehab on. Good luck to you, Steven, we love you. I wouldn't mind volunteering to be his nurse. No, I know nothing about nursing, but, I could fake it for Steven Tyler. I'd make him milkshakes and keep all his leopard print jammies nice and clean, and rinsed in rain scent Downy to keep his gonads and skinny legs chaff free. And I'd promise to only beg him to sing "Dream On" once a day. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

"Dream On" is right DD. We can only dream. I wish him well too. Probably the reason for his most recent divorce? Dayum, can't these old rockers ever figure it out? Drugs Kill! Stop it 'cuz we love you guys! We want you around for a very long time.

Anonymous said...

those 'extra' muscles around his mouth intrigue me, how'd he build those up like that? From singing? Yeah maybe. Some other skill??? Probably. Hmmm? He's yummy. I'd hit that old skinny ass of his.

Anonymous said...

im with you DD! i would be all over that like white on rice if i had the chance. i dont care if he is half my age & as old as my father, i have enjoyed his music for over 20 years now. good for him to get himself help & to be able to know he needed it. we see enough of our rockers dying senselessly. why cant they just enjoy their lives, bring us joy & then die of old age when its thier time?

cupcake said...

ST has been in and out of rehab ever since I can remember. His "gonads" are tiny (remember that beach pic?)
I think he's great and wish him well but... mmm...I'll pass!

Anonymous said...

hey cupcake...I saw pics of him in tights before & he filled them out quite nicely. Show me the beach pic. & where's my cupcake?

Anonymous said...

"and keep all his leopard print jammies nice and clean, and rinsed in rain scent Downy to keep his gonads and skinny legs chaff free."

Sorry DD. But, WTH? You're kill'n me here. Ew.

Anonymous said...

He's like the poor man's (woman's?) Mick Jagger, eh? I've always really liked him. He has a nice sense of humour, a very dirty laugh, and he doesn't seem to take himself too seriously. If given the choice between him and Mick, you know it's gotta be Mick, but Steven's a very close second...and he makes gorgeous children!


Anonymous said...

i like classic aerosmith, but didn't like their stuff in the late 80s +....

i DO respect steven tyler though because years ago his house was on fire and he went back into the house to get the family cat out....(yes i DO remember most things i read!)