Thursday, May 22, 2008

Jenny Shimizu was a two timer (at least)

UK SUN (published in 2005)...ANGELINA JOLIE’S lesbian lover has given this warning to the star’s boyfriend Brad Pitt: There has never been an ending to her and I. I think there never will be.
Supermodel Jenny Shimizu adds: I think we will continue to have a deep relationship. It really does go beyond just the sex.
Jenny has spoken for the first time about her steamy ten-year relationship with bisexual Angelina and her belief that Brad’s relationship may be short-lived.
Tattooed Jenny says: She’s always had lovers that she relies on. If she can ring you and you can meet up then she can take care of her sexual needs.
Whenever she calls me up I visit her (Angelina). It’s not always the case that we have sex. Sometimes we go to her property in Cambodia and explore the jungle.
It’s definitely more of a deeper friendship. She’s the person I’ll always care about and always help and always be there for.
Yada, yada, since then it's been revealed that Jenny was romancing another female celebrity...Madonna. From Wiki: In January 2007, Shimizu described the relationship she had with Madonna. Calling herself "Madonna's sex slave", she revealed that Madonna would fly her to destinations across the world for sexual liaisons, saying: "I was her secret 'booty call' available any time of the day or night for secret sex sessions....She's sensational in bed." She revealed this information while it was being reported that she was going to release a tell-all book with intimate details of her sexual affairs with Madonna and Jolie. Shimizu had allegedly also had sexual affairs with both celebrities at the same time
Yeah, Jenny, you're so hot. Cough. So Jolie was her true love, but, Madonna floated her tattoo'd boat as well. Too bad you couldn't pick one or the other, then maybe Brad would still be married to you know who. Oh, man, you haven't gotten to HER yet, have you? And a little gossipy birdie told me you also had actress Ione Sky in your muff diving schedule somewhere. Busy girl.
* ***********************************
Angelina said in an interview "I would probably have married Jenny if I hadn't married my husband (Billy Bob Thornton). I fell in love with her the first second I saw her." Madonna said nothing, laughed and found some different puss and dick to lick. She may be the smart one in all this. Poor Ione got the shaft in the press. Like when someone's eating Madonna and Jolie, how the hell do you have time to interview Ione Sky about her vagina and Shmizu? Eh? Yeah, it's all old, but, true and still fun gossip. Uhh, you think Brad realizes that two of his kids look like Jenny Shimizu? Probably not. Men are brain dead around Angie.


Anonymous said...

that Jenny could be talking out of ass for attention.
Not that I dont think Angelina and Madonna arent freaky cause they are and always will be. 2 of Aj kids look like jenny.. ha haa. well if she adopts more asian kids that be ahomage to her asian lover

Anonymous said...

gee, Ione is available for interviews!! can you try to interview her DD about this?? a DD EXCLUSIVE! :)

Anonymous said...

Angie has Brad around just a sperm donor and so that the Rainbow collection has a " daddy" figure.

As these kids get older and a mid life crisis comes on ( it could be an early one too ) A.J will be back to eating cat full time. Watch and listen to her in Interviews, Your Gaydar will go off!

Anonymous said...

LOL! D.D! Notice Jenny's Tattoo! it looks like Saint Angelina. LOL!

and Yes. both adopted kids look exactly like the Pregnant man. Ooops! I mean Jenny.

The old Angelina was much more interesting. It made her acting skills much better too. Like in Gia & Girl Interrupted.

Sigh... no more knives, fucking billy bob on the red carpet, making out with her brother, talking shit about " daddy " and having lesbian lovers like Jenny. All we have now is Orphans, blobs, media whoring and saying stupid shit to the press.

Anonymous said...

There's a reason why Angelina keeps stalling Brad in the marriage issue. As soon as someone else comes around that makes her tingle she'll have no problems with letting Brad find someone else to serve.

Anonymous said...

5:18 lol! Angelina is probably waiting for Gay Marriage to be legalized. Her Career isn't doing much at all these days. Why not jump on Ellen's Bandwagon.

Anonymous said...

Yea, that does explain her desire for the asian family. Listen, there is a 52 year old woman out there right now that is engaged to Robert Redford...he is 71. So, someone, someday will also be engaged to Brad Pitt, and he will also be old. That woman could be YOU! Think about it. You don't know. That woman didn't think 20 years ago that she'd be marrying Robert Redford, did she? NO! So, there ya' go. Hang on Jen, he may be back. PS: Don't take him!

Anonymous said...

I believe that Madonna & AJ are never satisfied with a man. So they search for more. They are never satisfied sexually either, thus the search continues. Lets just hope AJ doesn't marry one of her adopted asian sons one day (ie: Woody Allen/Mia Farrow)

Anonymous said...

7:08 lol!Angelina is that fucking crazy! but what if Brad marries Zahara. pffft. These two ( brangelina ) aren't known for having Morals.

Dirty Disher said...