Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Keanu Reeves is dating who???

Gossip is flying that Keanu Reeves is dating Wynona Ryder. If it's true we'll see photos soon because new couple alerts cause the paps to shit their pants and strap on their roller blades. I hope it's true because I'm fairly sure Wynona owns a shower and a washing machine. She shoplifted them, but, hey, whatever works.


Anonymous said...

Dear Keanu Reeves,
It's Summer yet again, and I know that it must get hot in that closet! Please do us all a favor and just come on out this year!!
Love, Your Fans
P.S. We forgive you for David Geffen.

Anonymous said...

Winona Ryder is a BEARD!! HA HA HA!

Anonymous said...

Keanu is hawt! Gay? w/e...not like I'm gonna be dating him anyway. He's still hawt as he**

Anonymous said...

is his sister with cancer still alive? it's hard to find info about that....i remember a pix of her on a vacation years ago and she was skeletal....he's spent MILLIONS on her treatments, housing, care, etc....