Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kirsten Dunst talks about rehab

“I didn’t go to Cirque Lodge for alcohol abuse or drug abuse,” Dunst, 26, told E! “I went there for depression. It was a good six months before I decided to go away. I was struggling, and I had the opportunity to go somewhere and take care of myself. I was fortunate to have the resources to do it. My friends and family thought it was a good idea, too. But I didn’t know where to go. My doctor recommended Cirque Lodge.”
Continued Kirsten, “There’s been a lot of misrepresentation about what is going on in my life, and it’s been very painful for my friends and family. Everyone feels like they have to defend me. They hear the rumors, and it puts them in a defensive position. Now that I’m feeling stronger, I was prepared to say something… Depression is pretty serious and should not be gossiped about.”
You are correct, Kirsten. I will never gossip about your depression, but, I take it your filthy hair, bad teeth, stupid fashions, penchant for idiot men and your addiction to puffing weed in public is still up for discussion? You're welcome.


Anonymous said...

Well that explains WHY she neglects her appearance. How could you possibly criticize someone going through that? It's hellish just being alive and conscious with depression.

Anonymous said...

depression makes you just wanna die or be invisible. You do not care about ANYTHING. Sadness all the time is crippling.

Anonymous said...

Get well Kristen!