Kevin Federline took his kids to Disnelyand and despite the fact that he prepared by having two nannies and bodyguards there as well as Disney ushers..THEY LOST LITTLE KORI!
She was found by a Disney employee who asked:
Disney employee: What’s your name?
5 year old daughter of K-fed: Kori
Employee: How old are you?
Kori: 5
Employee: What’s your parent’s name?
Kori: Kevin
Disney employee: What’s your name?
5 year old daughter of K-fed: Kori
Employee: How old are you?
Kori: 5
Employee: What’s your parent’s name?
Kori: Kevin
OMG. Someone would be fired. A lot of someone's would be fired. You think I'm mean? I don't care..I would so fire them all. I'd even fire the ushers who didn't even work for me, just 'cause. Then I would kick in their stoopid spinning teapot thingy and never go back. I might put a hit out on the fools I hired to watch my kid.
OMG. Someone would be fired. A lot of someone's would be fired. You think I'm mean? I don't care..I would so fire them all. I'd even fire the ushers who didn't even work for me, just 'cause. Then I would kick in their stoopid spinning teapot thingy and never go back. I might put a hit out on the fools I hired to watch my kid.
That is my biggest fear whenever we go anyplace. What the fuck was Kevin doing?. I don't care if you have ten nannies, the kids are your responsibility, the ushers and nannies and bodyguards are there for assistance and not for primary kid watching duties.
oh come on people. Kids have a talent for getting lost. There not much you can do about it. One moment they are just here and the next, gone.
Happened to a sister of mine on a 'Weihnachtsmarkt' without helpfull ushers to find her and lots of classmates. Half an hour later she was back.
Some stern words and everything was fine.
OK. hate to, but have to agree. Everybody on the trip who could be fired, would be fired. He has to make a good show, losing the kids and irresponsible behavior is Brits bag, not mine! He has to make himself look like he's organized.
Kids are slippery, I got lost at the LA County Fair when I was 6, when I couldn't find my parents I went to the car and got in, you know, to wait. I fell asleep and they didn't find me until the fair closed, the cops came, it was a mess...
sometimes more is less. The more bodyguards, nannies and ushers are there, the easier something happens because deep down everybody depends on the others. Also with a lot of people it is harder to keep everybody in sight.
My parents were very watchful bt they lost me on the Boardwalk when I was 5
I did it to my parents at a fair. My oldest did it to us while we were unloading groceries. Age of three she took off for the park. Neighbor spotted her running and grabbed her for us. I am talking seconds. Kids are like inmates, they see a chance to escape bam they are gone.
Yes, I have to agree. When I have my children with me I KNOW that it's my responsibility to keep track of them...but when we're with a group it's much harder for all of us.
We've all had that scare sometime, either as parents or kids and I'm sure Kori was no exception.
It happend with Alissa a month ago. She ran away to my house and no one missed her for 30 minutes!!! Guess what? That babysitter was fired. I don't give a fuck how "nice" she was. She is never allowed to watch my granddaughter again. Grama said so and I mean business.
Wooooo, I wouldnt fuck with you DD!
Awww, I'm a lot of bad things. But, I'm a kick ass grama!
He was probably busy texting someone, or adjusting his ipod, or surfing the net ohn his blackberry. Kids time means kids time.
LOL! = bill
"kids are like inmates"
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