Thursday, May 22, 2008

Larry Birkhead takes Dannielynn to The Simpsons Ride Opening Celebration, Universal Studios

It's good to see a new photo of Dannielynn, look how much she's grown. She's as pretty as her mother, she wearing makeup?? Click the pic to see it bigger.


Anonymous said...

no more than he is ;)

no, i don't think she's wearing any makeup...

Anonymous said...

It looks like she is wearing eyeliner but I hope I am wrong...

Anonymous said...

I don't think she is. Both of my kids have really red lips like that. She looks like she is hot.

Anonymous said...

It's something around the eyes though... it does look as if she's wearing a bit of eyeshadow.


belicoso said...

I don't know that she's wearing makeup but does anyone else think she looks exactly like Anna? I'm probably stating the obvious with that one. Larry has been bringing her out for photo-ops less frequently in recent months, perhaps he is finally beginning to save all that US Weekly money.

Anonymous said...

no makeup. She's just naturally a beautiful child. Larry ain't too bad. Is he gay? Did that ever get nailed down? Or still a rumor?

Anonymous said...

"no makeup."
The only one who can say for sure is her makeup artist... The rest are merely opinions.

Anonymous said...

"Is he gay?"

Does a one-legged duck swim in circles?

Anonymous said...

no makeup, it was a BOILING 100 degrees here that day. She's just overheated and super cute! Papa looks nice too...

Anonymous said...

she is such a cutie with natural beauty. she does look so much like anna. i couldnt believe it turned out that he was the father, i thought the atty would be it. maybe thats because i thought he would give her a better upbringing than this guy. he gives me that creepy pedofile feeling. i dont like him at all & anna didnt want him around her either, what does that tell you about larry blunderhead?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful little girl. Hope she has a brain in her head, unlike her mother. Looks like she had her crossed eyes repaired.