Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lindsay Lohan - Bossy

Sigh. Lindsay's new song is neither original nor unforgettable. It's just canned pop, like all the other non writing singers of canned pop. Yet Ne-Yo, who wrote the song for The Blow, has the nerve to tell us “She did a ridiculously fabulous job,” and “I was so shocked I had to call her and apologize for what I was thinking because she did so good. I think the world is gonna be surprised.”
Bullshit, Ne-Yo...I'm not at all surprised. Maybe Ali can have a crack at it after The Blow's done with it. Yawn.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like club music. Shit that plays in the background while you dance and talk with friends. No one is expecting great vocals from this ho. The song drags on for too long though, it could have been two minutes shorter. I may download it as a ringtone maybe.

Anonymous said...

Gawd, I hate that fake, canned music...
Most of us that grew up in the years that music really meant something cannot listen to this crap without gritting their teeth and changing the station, at least that's my re-action and my "old" friends feel the same.
These last few years (years? decades!!) have really been the days that "the music died..."


Bally said...

Wow. We can put a man on the moon, but we don't have the technology to make her sound better than that? Sad.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ bally!

Anonymous said...

If anyone here can identify one actual musical instrument in this unbearable piece of disco circuit gay party boy crap, I'll send you $100 (and no, that's not a real drum, either).

Shit . . .