Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lohan dog poop

Someone did a WTF post on the post I did saying Dina Lohan needs to clean up her runny dog shit and shut up. This is what I meant. That's a Lohan dog and if you look, you'll see not one, but, three piles of semi runny dog shit under her table, which means the dog didn't just have a boo boo. The dog has not been house trained and is not a puppy. My rat has learned better bathroom habits than this! Dina came bitching through the door and totally ignored it, expecting someone else to clean it up, (not her precious kids either.)
Dina Lohan can't spend enough time with her pet to teach it how to live in a home, so how's she gonna tell us she can raise kids?? As for Denise Richards and her 10 dogs..they seem to live off the pig shit on her kitchen floor. Some celebs are notorious for being BAD pet owners.


Anonymous said...

I see 1 pile, but for me thats enough. That dog is not to blame & should at least have puppy pads down to use for crissakes. But obviously hasn't even learned to use them. Not cleaning up dog sh** is insane. I couldn't live like that. I bet their illegal housekeeper makes pennies a day to try to keep up with that sh** too and hears all the bitching as well when the Lohans step in it. I hope they slip in it & go skating across the floor. Gawd, the smell. Dog sh**, pig sh**. WTH is wrong with these people??? Celebs are super lazy asses. Too lazy to train a dog & too lazy to clean up after it.

Anonymous said...

Someone should rub Dina's nose in it, it may keep her from doing her morning rail.

Dirty Disher said...

Pig shit smells so bad that I cover my face with my shirt when I get near it. It is a unique and indescribable nasty smell. Around here, farmers jokingly call it the smell of money. I call it unbearable. Denise Richards is a pig, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

I did the WTF post because I can't believe what is wrong with these people. Clearly they should never be allowed to own any animals. Clearly they have no sense of smell being able to live in a dog toilet.

Dirty Disher said...

I agree. I feel sorry for any animal who's owners don't spend enough time with it to house train it. It's absurd.