Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Michael Lohan knows the score

While Dina insists that Lindsay and Sam Ronson are just friends, Michael has another view..he tells Usmagazine.com their romance "is evident to anyone with half a brain."
Well, he has half a brain, so he'd know. Then he said that the romance was between Lindsay and God. I guess Michael knows God won't talk to Sam Ronson. Why's he bring God into everything? The parole boards don't buy it anymore and neither do I. He's The Flying Nut-Job. Oh, and there's the obligatory Blow in a 'kini pic. Summer can never start without Blow in a 'kini. It's tradition.


Anonymous said...

I hate, hate that pic of him! I love LL's swimsuit tho. Very cute! Where'd her boobs go?

Dirty Disher said...

I wondered that too!!

Anonymous said...

I wondered too, but girls know that they tend to have their good days and off days...hormones?