Monday, May 26, 2008

MJ at Christian Audigier's 50th birthday

Michael Jackson is still beautiful, isn't he? He just keeps getting better. He's starting to remind me of an ancient Pekingese or Pug, right before they pass away. When their eyes move froggy to the sides of their heads. Click it to make it bigger. You can thank me later.


Anonymous said...

I guess with all his financial trouble, he can't afford the one thing he needs: a snap-on nose.

Anonymous said...

hey, 'j', go fuck yourself and your site where you made extra cash this summer--and it's not even technically summer yet fucktard!

back to the post in does he shave his hair there? i mean, a razor would probably cut off his nose and he has such divets in his skin he probably has to pluck those hairs...

what i wanna know is, does he look at himself in the mirror and think that he looks good????? if he wants to make some quick good money, he should sue the plastic surgeons who did all that surgery on him....

Anonymous said...

He gives bizarre a whole new name, doesn't he?


Anonymous said...

First he wanted to look just like Diana Ross....then he wanted to be Peter Pan.

He's totally missed the boat either way.

But one plastic surgeon on a documentary said he has an addiction to plastic surgery and probably will never stop. He believes every surgery is an improvement even when it obviously isn't.

He was so cute in his teen years, so much he's just a freak show in every way.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, DD.

Dirty Disher said...


Unknown said...

fresh celebrity freaks