Oprah, seen here yestersay, is on yet another diet. She's eliminated caffeine, sugar, alcohol, gluten and animal products on the diet, which usually lasts 3 weeks. The semi fast does not include any kind of meat. When most people go on a diet, it isn't national news. Look for this shit on CNN. "We interupt this live coverage of the war to bring you Oprah's fat free menu." Geebuz. I never noticed she'd gotten fat again, probably because I don't watch her a lot, but she's realy, really, really fat. I KNOOOW..I should talk. I'm so fat my ass can't fit in my compact car now. I had to buy, not rent, a U-Haul and hook it to the back of the car and hire someone to drive the car. I put a love seat in the back because I'm too fat to fit in a chair. When I ride in my U-Haul to McDonalds now people gawk and say "Is that DD? She has a blog, you know. Damn, she's fat." True story.
She's off meat like Lohan is off tuna.
Tried to post to this story about "O" 2x now. It's not allowing me to. I give up DD>
NOW it lets me!!! No way am I retyping that AGAIN!
who cares about her weight? She's an ugly chick with sooooo much personality that you can't help but relate to her, in one way or another. Get a bypass and cut the crap gazillionairess!
crabbie, LMAO!! talkin' 'bout Oprah? You're going to hell for sure now...
LOL DD! I am laughing my ass off at the visual you managed tô plant in my mind....DD, queen of the U-hauls.
She wrote a book about her fight with weight...it was actually a pretty good read. I had no idea that she felt so humiliated and depressed when she gets too big. I always thought that with her money it would be easy to stay slim. She's just like the rest of us who battle the bulge...she eats just about anything and it sticks to her hips. Size 12 is her goal weight, and she gets out at 5am to run and work out just to stay there.
I don't know why her weight is up again, but trust me, she will get back on track and lose it again.
I think it'd be easy to stay fit if someone cooked your every meal - maybe not.
DD, that was a truly awesome story about yourself. Thanks a lot for sharing!
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