Tuesday, May 20, 2008

People is full of shit

People magazine has reported on The Simpson wedding, saying maid of honor Jessica was holding hands with Tony Romo and they looked so happy. People covered the damn wedding and their optimistic peppy outlook (aka lies) on celeb life is so predictable. Sources who were at the wedding claim Jessica left with her parents and Tony took off alone to parts unknown. Jessica is now in Cabo San Lucas vacationing with her parents and Tony is not there. It's called dick head football player dumps dumb blond because he's had enough of her retarded pushy pervert dad. Oh, and Ashlee told some of the guests that she IS pregnant. She can name it Alice when it crawls out of the rabbit hole. That baby won't cry when the doctor slaps it's butt, it will lip sync.


Anonymous said...

I like Jess. But NFL guys don't stay with one woman, why would they? She needs to find a nice regular guy, good lookin & rich in business or something. Just not famous. She will be fine. I guess he had committed to escorting her before they broke up & they must still be OK with being t'gthr or they wouldn't have went thru with the date. I wouldn't have, personally. I'd be like "Eff him I'm going alone". But they must have decided to remain friendly. He's a DICK DD. & not in a funny way. New Cosmo has a article on "How to spot a dick"...true story! It's very good. Includes visual illustrations too. Body language codes etc. I enjoyed it. Good stuff to know.

Anonymous said...

Tony Romo ain't all 'dat anyway. Move on jessica. You will find the man of your dreams. Keep trying! Her ex husband was a wannabe jock, & he was a terrible husband. Jocks suck at being in relationships. it's too much testosterone, they can't do it.

Anonymous said...

PS: Bonus, they usually go bald from that affliction too.

Anonymous said...

Funny, Jessica hasn't gotten preg. She's dated alot of guys too. And we all know she ain't Mother Teresa. I feel like if somebody gets preg, they are stupid or they don't care if they do and possibly they want to be. Obviously she uses her brain in that regard. Not sister Ash so much! What a bunch of lameass idiots.

Anonymous said...

I thought Nick was good to her. Seemed he was always quarreling with Joe though. Fucking Joe Simpson needs to take his dick out of his daughters ass and let someone else have a stab at it.

Anonymous said...

remember Nick complaining on their show about the lack of sex of any kind? I think she had checked out long before the divorce. He was a total jerk. But I did admire how he worked & did his own yard work & moved himself etc. He wasn't used to having any money. I wonder if he'd do that stuff now? Is he still with Miss Vanilla?

Anonymous said...

No loss to Jessica. Feelings get hurt but this happens every day and there ARE great guys out there. Like you've all said, she'll find someone with a normal ego to have a good relationship with.

Anonymous said...

mags like people are going to portray a situation in the way that the celebs dictate they do....mags cooperate with celebs---such as lying/covering up---they get exclusives and sell more mags...

it's a disgusting practice and i wish it would stop....

Anonymous said...

"She can name it Alice when it crawls out of the rabbit hole. That baby won't cry when the doctor slaps it's butt, it will lip sync."

That is the funniest shit ever!!!!!!!!!!!!