Sunday, May 25, 2008

The rat in the barn

I wish I had taken a photo, but, I was too busy having fun to get the camera out today. Bee Bee the rat loves Alissa. She loves the kid because she knows that not only do kids drop food all over, but, kids mean freedom. Not that Bee Bee is confined to her cage all the time, I play with her everyday..but, when Lissa comes in, Bee Bee KNOWS it's big play time. They both love that and have found odd ways to play together. Lissa sets up her Fisher Price barn with all the farmin' stuff and then I go get Bee Bee and put her in it. Bee Bee never tries to get away, she loves it. She can open the doors and gates and trigger the animal sounds and music. Lissa gets all excited and laughes so hard. Bee Bee can climb up on the roof and spin the windmill. It's all fun and games. Lis is learning to be gentle, but, she just can't be Bee Bee is still only comfortable climbing on me, but, she gives Liss rat kisses. Bee Bee also likes Barbie's convertible. I never expected that. They play for a good half hour until Bee Bee gets tired of the excitement and runs up on my shoulder. Then she goes back in her cage and gets treats. She will do anything for peanut butter. About 20 min later, she's begging to get out and play again. Yeah, I know..lame Sunday post, but, this is my Sunday. Who would have thought a rat could become such a family member and know us all like she does?


Anonymous said...

No DD, not a lame post..I know nothing about rats as pets. I could never imagine owning one as a pet but I'm learning more about them from your posts and your rat sounds so cute! I had no idea they were so playful and smart. How long do they live?


Anonymous said...

I expected it ;)

Rats are really social - and if it is 'trained' you don't even need the cage anymore. Why run away? Family is 'here'.

Sadly, they don't live long. A lot of them die between their second and third birthday. They are bred to get cancer easily, so they do. Some breeders have more 'natural' genetic lines. This fellows can go up to 5 years.

Dirty Disher said...

I hope spoiled loved rats live longer.

Anonymous said...

Bee Bee sounds like a lot of fun, and I'm glad to hear that she and Lissa are getting along so well together. The three of you sound like you had a great time today. And no, definitely NOT a lame post at all.


Anonymous said...

well this BIG TIME spoiled rat no matter long it lives, will have the best life. What an adorable post.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure your little spoiled Bee Bee will live lots longer. Have to tell you, I'm sorry I asked that question :( I was just curious and sometimes my fingers fly faster than my brain.
From now on, I will continue to google...


Dirty Disher said...

Not a problem. Questions are good.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, I have to add that when I was a kid, I had a rat named Daisy. Daisy lived for 5 years.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy you love your mother's day rat :D

Casey J.