Friday, May 23, 2008

Scarlett claims she IS a decent singer

First of all, who the frick is that on the cover of Nylon? It looks nothing like Scarlet Johansson, but, the only other names on the cover are Beth Dito and Courtney Love and that sure aint them, so it must be Scar-Jo. Anyhow..When she recorded 'Anywhere I Lay My Head' (Solid Gold, according to the cover) she wanted to do something different so she recorded cool sounds.
She said: "I spent days trying to record owls. I would hear them and then run outside to find them. My producer David Sitek told me to keep a mini-recorder with me all the time and record sounds I liked. That was the most elusive thing we recorded - the owls. We recorded all kinds of stuff -even rainstorms."
* creative! No one in the world has ever recorded owls and rain before! She's so advanced. How about the lonely cry of a loon? No loons in Hollywood? I find that hard to believe.
Scar-Jo couldn't give a crap less if people think her album is doo doo. She said: "I think a lot of actors have good voices. We are mimics. If you were to hum something now, I'd probably be able to sing it right back to you. I'm a pretty decent singer."
Sorry, but, I heard part of it and saw film of her recording it. It was hideous. Flat, monotone and wierd..not in a good way weird. Bob Dylan is good sounding weird. Scarlett Johansson is bad poke yer eardrums out weird. To all of you who downloaded the whole thing (crabbie) HA HA! Tip for wanna be singers..if you can't sing a lick, pose with an expensive guitar you can't play. It's all so real.


Anonymous said...

well then, i'm going to claim that I am a decent singer too! i'll release an album of barry manilow and bob seger covers and record elusive sounds like 'a bear shitting in the woods' and then i'll pose with my barbie keyboard and i'll be a star! :)

Dirty Disher said...

I want a copy!

Anonymous said...

"her name was lola, she did some night moves, we spent a weekend in new england and i love to watch her strut" :D

that has possibilities...mash up barry & bob!!! i might do that for shits & giggles...make some youtube vids...hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

How many people do you think told her she sounded great?. I am sure the last thing Ryan wanted to do is hook-up with another singer, except the last one could sing and write music. Reminds me of his character in "just friends" and the song "Forgiveness....". I am not surprised, Paris even thought she could sing, but we have J-Lo to thank for the trend.

Anonymous said...

J-Lo can actually sing chick. And dance, and has made some decent chick flicks. Scar-Jo is such a hose-beast.

Anonymous said...

Some perspective: Even Anon. 7:18 who actually believes that Jennifer Lopez can sing, dance, and (uncontrollable fit of laughter) act, believes that ScarJo is a "hose-beast"

There ya go.