Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sharon Stone's big yap gets her in hot water..again

Sharon Stone, shown here in this old unattrative photo because I can't stand her, yapped about disaster that hit China recently..when asked if she'd heard about the earthquake..
"Of course I have. Well you know at first I thought I'm not happy with the way the Chinese are treating the Tibetans….and I've been concerned with should we have the Olympics because they're not being nice to the Dalai Lama who's a good friend of mine. And then all this earthquake and stuff happened and I thought, 'Is that Karma, when you're not nice and the bad things happen to you?'"
She later tried to back peddle and take it back, but, it didn't work. The whole statement is pretentious and pure Sharon. I love how she name drops. The Dalai Lama, for cripes sake.


Anonymous said...

Isnt the Dalai Lama EVERYONES friend?. Is what happened to her career Karma as well?. The best thing that could have happened to Phil Bronstein was getting bit by that Komodo dragon. I am pretty sure Sharon arranged it. (he he he)

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, I'd forgotten about that. That was funny. Dumb celebs.

Anonymous said...

the thing that gets me, is maybe how china treats tibet is THEIR (the tibetians) karma.....and i have never quite figured out how the dalai lama can justify having armed body guards...i mean, he preaches peace and non-violence and has armed body guards???

Anonymous said...

what is wrong with bodyguards? They are not actively hurting people. They are protecting him.

So nothing wrong about that.

Bad Karma? Please find something Tibet did wrong in the couple thousands of years. Hard to find someone with a cleaner sheet.

China is allowed its little cultural genocide, because everybody wants to sell some stuff there (and at the end, is ripped off - China learned fast). Screw China. Even the Olympics were sold.

And Sharon? Didn't she had a stroke some years ago?

Anonymous said...

ah, but with 'protecting' him, they are preventing something that might be his karma....

it doesn't matter if tibet did something wrong or not...this is a country filled with monks who'll set themselves on fire...they have these theories on karma, zenness, etc....they never seem to think that perhaps they should accept their situation....

do i agree with china?? fuck no....i'm just pointing out hypocrisy in buddhists....

Anonymous said...

Chinese have repeatedly shown that they have little regard for human life. Rampant corruption, lead in the toys, tainted medicine, shady construction standards a traffic bridge collapsed the day before the inauguration this year), etc. What did Tibetans do to merit getting swallowed up by the Chinese?. The Dalai Lama better have armed guards or his ass would killed chop-chop.

Anonymous said...

i agree re: the chinese...but you aren't getting my point though re: karma/buddhist, etc....

Anonymous said...

What is your point??? What hypocrisy in the Monks? Because they believe in Karma... and you cannot prevent karma. If it's gonna get you, it's gonna get you. Kinda the point of it.

Anonymous said...

your path does not involve too much enlightenment...perhaps it shall come to you some day....

Anonymous said...

the stupid fuckin bitch doesn't seem to understand that its the leaders that do this to small people. leaders and rich people fuck small people over. all the time. i hate that... do people really think that small poverty stricken victims are responsible for what rulers and rich people do to them? why don't these stupid fucks wake up?

Anonymous said...

by the way when i went to see the dali lama speak i didn't see armed body guards anywhere and i was at a fully packed stadium. look you know, the man only preaches peace and love and compassion, so give him a break. he is not a hogan or a cruise.