Saturday, May 3, 2008

Some Hollywood kids

Dakota Fanning has finally ditched the Shirley Temple look and is dressing like a big girl. She's 14 now, and her speeches may seem a bit too old, 'specially about business etc, and her mini divaness is less than appealing..still Dakota is growing up to be a beautiful girl and you know she will chose her work carefully. I look foreword to good Dakota things.
On the other hand...
There's Whitney Houston and Bobby Browns daughter, Bobbi Kristina who is now 15 and oh my! She parities like an adult, is out of control, lives with a relative (not her mom or dad) and recently she got into a fight with Whitney and tried to stab her. Then she slit her wrists and is now in psych care. We saw the reality show, what do people expect? Get better, Bobbi.


Anonymous said...

Bobbi is THAT messed up? Never knew it. Thanks for the info....sad.


kissannie said...

I love Amy Poehler's Dakota Fanning show on Saturday Night Live - FUNNY!!

Anonymous said...

wow...i hadn't heard that about bobbi....poor kid...

Anonymous said...

What *DID* we expect?!

She was raised in a CRACK HOUSE, fer crissakes!! A million dollar crackhouse... but a crackhouse nonetheless.

Imagine what that poor kid was subjected to on a daily basis throughout her young life? Between her parents (well-documented) rampant drug addictions, their volatile/violent relationship (with one or both of them "gone awol" for extended periods, their over-indulgence and free-spending habits, and the complete lack of discipline (and parenting skills) towards Bobbi Christina.

I'm just surprised her meltdown didn't come sooner.

Poor kid, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Poor Bobbi, but what could we really expect???? She is Whitney and Booby Browns daughter.