Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Stationmaster

KINOKAWA, Japan...."Tama is the only stationmaster as we have to reduce personnel costs. You say you could ask for the cat's help, but she is actually bringing luck to us," Wakayama Electric spokeswoman Keiko Yamaki said.
The company feeds her in lieu of salary.
Not only does nine year old Tama work 6 days a week (Sundays off) greeting passengers, but, she works alone and the railway company formally appointed her as "stationmaster". She just got a new office where she can go potty in private..she didn't like going in front of people. Tama boosted the number of passengers using her line by more than 17% since last year.


Anonymous said...

Cute hat! I want her!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How cute is that?


Anonymous said...

What a Lady Like, Kitty! She's very pretty too :)