Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This is beyond ridiculous

In case you missed it, Living Lohan started last night. Yes, I watched. No, Dina did not win me over. I like Ali even less now. I can not even believe we live in a world where people act like this. Dina harps on Ali being an "artist" and her integrity in choosing songs. WTF happeded to people writing their own damn music? How the Hell is this kid star material?? Yeah, it pissed me off. Who do they think they are?? Dina needs to go clean the runny dog shit under her table and shut up. Ali is spoiled and unlikeable. The rest of the show, Dina spent searching the internet for bad stories about herself and her kids. You stink, Dina. It IS scraping the bottom of the stupidity barrel.


Anonymous said...

There is ZERO creativity in that nest of harpies. Song writers and real artists ply their trade constantly, and find inspiration from within to express through song or dance or brushes. Dina sucks. I dont see Ali sitting down to write lyrics, pickingh up an instruments and building riffs and hooks. They all look for inspiration from the other side of the phone line. Sadness here is that Ali will not be able to be herself and find what it is that makes HER whole.

Anonymous said...

Both those shows apparently just used the same theme for the night, searching the net for bad gossip about themselves. I didn't watch, never will. But thats not even creative. I could make a show & do that, searching the net for gossip about everybody! That would be a little bit more interesting. barely.

Anonymous said...

WTF is up with celebs letting animals shit in their houses?!? This is the second story today and the same thing has been seen with the disgusting Ozbourne's and Parass letting her dogs go whenever wherever and Britney wiping up dog crap with a designer dress. That by itself is proof they are no better than us common people.

Dirty Disher said...

I think it's proof that we have more brains than some celebs. These fucks have mature animals that shit all over their homes. While we spend the time teaching our animals that that's not how it's done. If you're never home, you don't need a pet.