On nannies never sleeping over: “We don’t ever have anybody spend the night. We may have to adjust that when the next one comes. But we do have ladies that work with us, and they’re also from different cultures and back-grounds. One lady’s a Vietnamese teacher—wonderful. One is of Congolese descent from Bel-gium. Another is from the States and is really creative and does art programs.”
On artists as parents: “Artists raise their kids differently,” she said. “We communicate to the point where we probably annoy our children. We have art around the house, we have books, we go to plays, we talk. Our focus is art and painting and dress-up and singing. It’s what we love. So I think you can see how artists in some way raise other artists.”
On artists as parents: “Artists raise their kids differently,” she said. “We communicate to the point where we probably annoy our children. We have art around the house, we have books, we go to plays, we talk. Our focus is art and painting and dress-up and singing. It’s what we love. So I think you can see how artists in some way raise other artists.”
Gol dang, y'all! I'm shore glad I aint Angelina Jolie er I'd have to have them newfangled contraptions called books in ma house! Where the fuck would I find time to read them books and look at that there art whilst I'm a scrubbin' the outhouse and white warshin' the chicken fence!? Taint fittin', I tell ya, taint fittin'.
So at least three different women who speak different languages and spark their children's intellect in ways we lay people would never understand. I whistle to my kids to get their attention, I paint their bottom blue when they don't listen they hear me scream words at them I know they don't yet understand, and I read them the rules of the house often. Hey, I'm just like them.
Yes, it's interesting to know that there are some families that own books and hang art on their walls and even manage to speak to each other. I am blown away by this. Now that my eyes have been opened, I'm sure to become a better parent. Whatevs.
I don't want to live in a world where Mr and Mrs Smith qualifies anyone to call themselves an artist. Lucky I don't live in the universe of Angie's own mind.
What did they do to Angie's face on that magazine cover? Somebody is hitting the photoshop too hard. Angelina doesn't need any of that stuff. The cover doesn't look like her at all.
Artists raise their kids differently? WTF? I am guessing her kids are going to be confused with all of the globe trotting and helpers speaking umpteen different languages. PULEEZE.
I wish Angie were around to show me how to raise my kids.
No kidding. This is so European; no national identity or ethnic pride. Erase borders and live in the New World Order where we sing cumbaya and redistribute wealth and property while dispensing subsidies and entitlements to the ones that would rather live off the tit than work hard and excel. I'd live off her tit for a while without complaints though.
Drina is a hater, I see. Hope you're as hard on yourself as you are on everyone else.
Shut the fuck up bradgeloonie.
Oh yeah I figured out who goes on blogs and carps on about hating, the kind of person that can't stay away because they are obsessed with Angie - but why she's just a normal person?...oh riiight. I hope Angie gives as much of a damn about you as you do about her, but somehow I doubt it.
My kids go to museums, plays and take foreign language classes and we do all kinds of art & dress up fun in our house. Of course they attend public school and we live in a modest house out in the country and it's a huge deal to go to a play or a zoo or a museum and we look fwd to it for weeks prior. This woman has totally stolen my way of child rearing. Dayum, AJ. Just go to hell, why dontcha? & stop spying on me! This is not unique or new you idiot! It's called being a mom! Next time Lissa wants to play dress up or paint, you can thank your lucky stars that AJ inspired you to raise an "artist". Gawd, does she not get that kids have imaginations too and can actually think of this stuff sometimes on their own as well? Jeez,I hate this self serving bitch.
I like anon 12:31..
I'm an Angie fan..have always been..and always will be. Though I am still shocked at the hatred people have toward stars. Kind of scary really.
I am an artsy person..love the theatre, museums and the symphony so if I had kids I would raise them the same way. Doesn't hurt them to have culture.
What a beautiful jackass!
Dear Skankalina,
Please have your publicist speak for you. I say this because A.J just can NOT! HIDE, Her True Narcissistic Personality. She is delusional to the point of being 100% Arrogant. I see NO Need to worship such a sick and twisted person.
i didn't know either of them were artists!
Angie is an artist? She plays two roles: Tough Bad Girl and Crazy Slut Girl. The second type of role isn't exactly a stretch for her.
So Doctors, Accountants, Lawyers, Nurses ect. do NOT know how to raise their kids. Oh Saint Angelina! Please tell me how to raise my two daughters. I am just a Lowly, Small Business Owner.
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