Friday, May 23, 2008

What the freekin' hell, Mutt??!!

Now I've seen it all. I'm like that old dead broad who was haunting Phoebe in that Friends episode where the ghost wanted to see it all. She saw a lesbian wedding and went into the light. Now, I've seen it all. Shania Twain's retarded husband left her for THIS. What? Marie-Anne Thiebaud was an employee and friend of Shania and she has now left her own husband and family to join Mutt.
"Their two families would vacation and spend holidays together," says the source. "Shania considered Marie-Anne one of her best friends."
That's what you get for thinking you have friends in Hollywood. Can we call them Mutt and Mutt? Or Mutt and Mongrel? Or how about Mutt and his Cur? Jeebuz. I think we should all have sympathy for Mutt Lange, not only is he fug and special ed, but, he's visually impaired as well. Shania could always do better. Mutt is a dog.


Anonymous said...

I loathe liars and cheaters. And in this case it's just unreal that an ugly dog like Mutt would cheat on Shania?!?! and why is it always the best friend? Poor Shania!

It reminds me of when Laura Dern said Angie would never do this to Laura because of what A.J's dad did to Angie's mom.

Stabbed in the Back!

Mutt and Mongrel sounds like a good name for these two, Mutts!

Anonymous said...

While I'm no Shania Twain, I'll give you some context and say that I bear a VERY striking resemblance to Kimberly Williams-Paisley. I wasn't a bit surprised to see what a dog Mutt is, because my ex-husband was running around with (and after we divorced, then married) a Rosie O'Donnell lookalike. Heh.

Anonymous said...

Well, from what I hear, Shania has quite the attitude problem...and that Marie-Anne is supposed to be very sweet. Not excusing his behaviour, but maybe personality means more to him than looks (as it should), and Mutt just got tired of Shania's foul personality.


Anonymous said...

Shania is such a bitch. I don't blame him. & this probably wasn't a "shock" to her at all. No way in hell. This woman isn't exactly a looker but if she's a nicer person then maybe thats all he cares about. Next up...Guy Richie is screwing the stable boy!

Anonymous said...

I agree, cheaters suck but it's much worse when they cheat with your best friend, it's a double betrayal.
I have to admit though, looks aren't everything and even if Shania is gorgeous, as they say, beauty's only skin-deep.


Anonymous said...

Or as my mom used to say "Pretty is as pretty does...and you don't do pretty."

15 years of therapy has worked wonders!