Lucky John Voight gets to speak to Her Highness again.
She says, "I think sometimes you have to distance yourself from relationships you feel are unhealthy for you. But we have spoken recently and we are going to try to get to know each other and maybe try not to be this daddy and daughter, but to be there for each other as friends in the coming years."
Oh, bullshit. This will last about a week then he will let it slip that she needs mental help and she will let Maddox "accidentally" find that gun she hid. Grampa will bite the dust and Angie's reps will release a statement saying the actress wants us to respect her privacy at this trying time, but, damn Jon Voight for screwing Jane Fonda like Angie would never have done with married Brad Pitt. Then they will adopt another orphan and name it Shitzimonga James Haven Jon Beluga Caviar Jolie Pitt.
Oh, bullshit. This will last about a week then he will let it slip that she needs mental help and she will let Maddox "accidentally" find that gun she hid. Grampa will bite the dust and Angie's reps will release a statement saying the actress wants us to respect her privacy at this trying time, but, damn Jon Voight for screwing Jane Fonda like Angie would never have done with married Brad Pitt. Then they will adopt another orphan and name it Shitzimonga James Haven Jon Beluga Caviar Jolie Pitt.
She is crazy, of that I have no doubt. There are many levels of crazy, and I think she hovers just above the multiple personality type. She married a guy with no personality so she could moild him into whatever she wants.
Becareful John Voight! She's doing everything she can for Publicity! But the fact remains, Skankalina would be working at Wal-Mart if not for Daddy Dearest. James Haven would be Homeless. It's not like he has any work ethic.
what is between them two?
did he abuse her as a child? tried to murder her and her brother after having caught them having sex? Screwed her best friend while she and her mom watched?
I been reading where they have guns around the house, Not good when there are so many little kids running around
Jon once told the press Angie had mental problems and needed help. She never forgave him.
I wonder what made him say that?. May be he caught her drawing blood vials from her brother as he held a gun to her head, or she was cutting herself while getting her heroin fix. Whatever it was it froze her brother's face in that expression of "Wow, great tits sis!".
10:36 who are you talking to? if it's you calling Angelina Voight Jolie a Filthy Whore. Yes. I agree.
Saint Angelina is the Filthiest kind of whore. She's a Home Wrecking Whore, A brother Fucking Whore, A publicity Whore and a Whore with obvious Daddy Issues. OH! And a Narcissistic WHORE too!
I agree with 12:00
Everything anon said is true. I think she gets carried away by her own lack of identity and obvious Daddy doesnt love me issues. I'm gonna laugh my ass off when Brad is left holding the bag and having all 8 kids over for the weekend.
My sister is not as nuts as this woman, but she plays these games with my parents too...and it's ALL about control. And if it hurts them, all the better.
I also agree with anon, and think John Voight should just hang in there, cause Brad is really gonna need help raising all those kids someday when AJ gets in over her head, tires of collecting a kid-zoo, and obsesses on something or someone else. (Especially when those cute little punkins start growing into teenagers.)
Attention!!! Jon Voight is fuckin looney too! How is it one crazy person feels qualified to call another person "crazy"????
Hey anon 10:43, you're describing the Hogan family!!
Lets see here...she prefers her "healthy" relationship with her brother more?
>Jon once told the press Angie had mental problems and needed help. She never forgave him.
so she acts like she needs mental help - proving him right. Smart move, Dumbelina. But hey, you have never been the sharpest knife in the drawer.
I thot she hated him because she said he broke her mothers heart by cheating on her? Thats the pot calling the kettle black, eh?
8:17, Who can forget the Diane Saywer Interview with Skankalina, where Skanky tells Diane that she would NEVER Date a married man because of how her father cheated on her mom. YES! This was after Billy Bob & Brad. It's Anstonishing how much this Pathological Liar believes her own lies. She's truly Sick & Twisted.
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