Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Close, but, no cigar

Yep, another Rumer post..yesterday she ditched the extensions and just flat out wore a wig. Bright blue contacts and learning a pose that nearly hides the chin. Almost works for her. You keep trying Rumer, you'll win me over yet.


Anonymous said...

If you can get a chin implant, why can't she get a chin reduction? She's not the only one...Jen Aniston, Reese Witherspoon as well.

Anonymous said...

Thats the nicest i've seen her looking in a longtime.

Anonymous said...

I like this picture actually.....not bad at all.

Anonymous said...

This is what I was talking about! You don't have to be gorgeous, just work what you have!Nice!

Anonymous said...

yea, but, but, she can't go around walking like that all the time! Ever heard of a stiff neck guys!?

Anonymous said...

It's also the tip of her nose and columella.(i know - google it) They hang too low. She can get this fixed and would be really cute.


Anonymous said...

I never found Rumer ugly, just different looking and in this pic
(and others I've seen taken the same night) she looks really good. I don't know about the rest of you but I sure can see Demi in her. I always thought that a longer hairstyle (not too long though, this length is perfect) would flatter her more and this pic proves it.


Anonymous said...

I agree, she looks better when she is trying to look like a girl...some of her other looks just accentuate that big jawline and don't do her justice.

She will probably always have a really unique look, and it may take her awhile to figure out what works best for her.

She does look really cute in this pic.