I don't go to church on Sundays, I watch the Lohans. Dina Lohan is as close to God as I want to be. She's an amazing mom. Last night she was at a party and her kids were home alone when a fire broke out in a wall switch. Ali has asthma so she had to be treated for smoke inhalation. The kids couldn't even get their mom on the phone because she wasn't answering and her message thingy was full. Finally, they sent a messenger to find her. Guess what Dina did? She went around telling everyone at the party "There's a fire at my house!" Then she talked to the kids on the phone and decided everything was okay, so she stayed at the party. Way to go, Dina! Don't you let those damn kids try and suck you into staying home with their pathetic antics and stories of smoke inhalation and fire trucks. Damn kids! You can see why I admire Dina so much. I loved watching a 10 year old try to find an electrician in the middle of the night. That's teaching the little fucker some responsibility. Dina's so smart!
PS..the firemen cleared the home and the kids were told to go outside. They calmly walked out and sat on the porch leaving their pets inside in cages. The dog was right there beside them in a carrier, barking, and no one picked it up. Tough shit, dog. That's Living Lohan.
She was scared to go home in case the cops were there and noticed her "powdered" nose. I Tivo'd some episodes to watch and see just once. I just cant let this wreck go by without indulging. Jerry Springer should have them in his show. The title could be;
"Talentless bi-sexual daughter pseudo-celebrities with coke whore Mothers who pimp their kids and have a bar stool fetish, and the born-again clueless alcoholic Fathers who can't shut-the-fuck-up".
I like it. Good title. It's like watching a train wreck. Only I might care about people in a train wreck.
Can you see why anyone would be NUTS to have a reality show of their homelife?
Why do you think they choose these people? Regular folks like us would bore viewers to death.
I watched a litle bit of the Tivo'd shows from yesterday. That show sucks!. Dina is commited to shoving her kids down anyones throat to make her money. Ali is NOT cute at all. Maybe she is in anawkward stage right now, but her features resemble her Moms, as well as her attitude of entitlement.
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