Best Female Performance Winner at the MTV awards, Ellen Page. Okay, let me get this straight. You make a kick ass movie (yeah, I thought Juno was kick ass, sue me) and some fucktarded TV station that plays rap all day and has jack shit to do with movie making gives you a crappy award that looks like someone shit in a paper cup? At least she got to meet Tom Cruise. Tell me why HE was there? Probably stalking Johnny Depp, hoping some charm would rub off or he could rub off against him in a crowd. MTV sucks.
That's an award?? She must be desparate to even show up to claim it...or a really good sport.
There isn't a 16 year old on earth as "cool" as the character Juno. The movie would've been much better if they hadn't tried so hard with the hip, cool lingo and deep thoughts from the teenagers.
man juno was so fucked up. you have no idea..... you just can't be so flippant about adoption. believe me, i know lots of relinquishing mothers and adoptees, it just isn't as easy as that. it really, really isn't. it really, really, really isn't. and it hurst so much that some poor teenage mother to be will see juno and think she can adopt her baby and walk away like that. that is not the way it goes. adopting out a baby means being drunk for the rest of your life. it really does. and yes, i know there are SOME exceptions, but on the whole... humans don't take to giving away their babies all that well. juno has no depth.
You made a good point Lia, but, she did decide to have the kid. I gave the charactor props for that.
i don't know dd. i had an abortion, when i was 17, and my friend's adopted out, one 16 one 18 (because they were told it was best for the baby). they both became alcholics and i didn't. i grieved with them everytime we went out, for the loss of their babies, we never grieved the loss of mine. and thats simply because my pain wasn't as bad, it was bad, but not as bad. also, the children adopted out, mainly, go through life grieving the fact that they were given away, thats a simple fact of life.
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