John Mayer and some woman on the balcony at the Bev Hills Hotel. Readers informed me it was NOT Jen, but an Arquette. I still say that looks like Jen..the chin gives it away. Not that I can't be wrong. Seems like I spend half my time on here posting "Oops"..oh, and searching for pics celeb lawyers threaten me over. I hate archives.
Todays trivia question..what's the connection between Rosanna Arquette and Jennifer Aniston?
It's Chinochio!, or Dina Lohan. They both have that chin you can grip like a golf club.
they have more of a connection than jen being friends with her brother? dunno....
Courney Cox's husband is Roseanne's brother, which would make them just good friends?
Jennifer doesn't have Bangs that Short. When she ( or any actor or Actress ) does Movies they use Hair Pieces, wigs, extensions, ect.
About J.A's chin. I think a lot of those pics. are Photo shopped. She doesn't take the best pictures and looks better on Video but these internet Pics. are pretty exaggerated.
looks more like aniston to me...I'm sure it ain't rosanne arquette!
Who cares you guys? Get over it. We need pics of them at least naked & full front face shots to prove anything.
Connection? Have they dated the Same guys??? or both have a thing for Muscians?
ANSWER: both of their last names start with "A".
(i know, brilliant)
not Aniston...the chin is too bulbous....aniston has that sharp skinny chin.
Readers got it. Roseanna's brother is married to Anistons joined at the hip BFF Coutney Cox. If you don't love the Arquettes, I doubt you get anywhere with Jen.
That's Jay Leno in a wig!
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