I was shocked by this..it seems certain people have fallen out of favor with Chanel. Several photo agencies were contacted by reps for the design house asking them to not posts photos of Nicollette Sheridan and Michelle Trachtenberg wearing their all holy products. Chanel feels like the two actress's are not of the A-list caliber they want their rags to be shown on. What?? Nicollette and Michelle are on the hottest shows on TV! Nicollette has never been my favorite actress, but, I do give her props for longevity and a great bod. As for Michelle..I hate Gossip Girls (I'm in the minority there), but, I've seen this girl on talk shows and she's no dumbass. She has a good sense of style. WTF is up Chanels ass now??? In case you don't know Karl Lagerfeld has pet celebs he gives free clothes to and sucks up to and his favorites include Lindsay Lohan and his biggest pet...screwed up mess, Courtney Love! Pffft...Chanel is way past it's prime anyhow, if it aint vintage it's usually crap.
All that Brylcreem finally seeped down to his brain and froze it. That guy is stiffer than Grannies ironing board or her cast iron thick ironing tool (the kind you put hot coals in, remember?). I had no idea this gut ran Channel. That explains a lot.
Amen to that. Chanel died with Coco Chanel to be precise.
Yep, so true.
Coco Chanel - the woman that loved Nazis?
Yeah, it went down. From the moment they got that women hating homo Lagerfeld and his 'I hate agressive female forms'. He wants women to look like 14 year old boys. Or being disgustingly ugly (see Courtney Love).
Newsflash: hetero men love 'agessive female forms' and they don't want women look like 14 year old boys - or Courtney Love.
Karl Lagerfield loves only himself. Can't you tell? Besides how can you tell if they are wearing Chanel? Do you have to check 1st? I don't know how you would always know that. Posting pics is a fast & instant process now, he expects ppl to do research 1st? WHO does he think he is? Well, Uncle Karl is really, really old. Old ppl say w/e they want. LL his fave? For realz???? & Courtney? At least she's kinda got an edge to her & is marginally stylish nowdays. But LL? NO f'g way? Gawd.
So Lohan and Love are A-list caliber now, are they? When did that happen?
PS: Misogynistic (not gay) men have got to stop designing clothes for women.
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