Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Maggie Gyllenhaal...Party in her pants?

Hey, crabbie, why aren't you all over this? If Shia LaBeouf's hot dog selling parents dressed as clowns..guess who got all their old costumes?


Anonymous said...

That's the best she's ever looked.

Dirty Disher said...

You want her so bad.

Anonymous said...

She is channeling her inner Dorothy Szbornak.


Anonymous said...

I think crabbie must still be reeling from the vision and has passed out on the floor. Even I'm wondering what anti-fashion statement she's making.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an outfit LOL!!! Clown is right. Did I miss something somewhere, is she pregnant again?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The dress is as ugly as her face!(And please spare me the, "she's interesting looking" crap!)

Anonymous said...

Hmm, and Peter Saarsgard (sp?) still hits that? Well, I'm jealous. I'd wear a shit-in-pants clown costume for Peter. <3