OH MY! I swear, besides your pet and kid photos, the best thing you can send me is pics of your house and yards. I just LOVE looking at them. I get all excited and get ideas from you. Tia says she planted black eyed susans, yellow daisys and hot pink wave petunias! All very cool, but, I got to looking and I spy lambs ear, I think a rhody, clematis/honeysuckle on the trellis (?), asiatic lillies, regular lillies and much more. She also put in some soft solar lights. This place is a little paradise. It just shows what you can do if you don't have a million bucks, but, you're creative. I love the night shot..beautiful place to sit and think. I can't wait to garden again!
That night pic is fantastic i love it. Would adore sitting out there in the summertime evenings =)
thanks! my front yard is tiny but i'm pleased with it...i just snagged some bright yellow creeping phlox from a friend who was moving and i'm gonna plant that on the little hill in my front yard.
today i am doing pond #1 in my side yard...i have a double lot, so my side yard is HUGE---which i'm sure you recall from pix of Molly. it's a jungle but i'm weeding it, mowing it, etc. i've been pilfering plants from a friend who's moving out of state and i'm gonna move most of my existing plants this year....(i'm a glutton for punishment)...but gardening is VERY relaxing!! of course i'll send pix when my side yard is presentable!
if you want some seeds DD, let me know and i'll send ya some!
I love it too, very nice~
OMG.....yes seeds. We can exchange plant starts and seeds. It will be so friggin fun. Creeping phox..I have to have that too, it's the spring star of yards around here. I can't wait to see more photos and to show you mine someday! I planted 4 cherry tomato plants today, that's all I'll have because I have so much do do this year, but, fall planting is good too. Oh, I forgot, my sideyard is full of daisys and snow on the mountain...tons of it. All weedy, but, I'll fix it.
Very nice Miss Tia! So cozy and relaxing looking. I too love the night pic.
Sorry DD, been gone all day and did not have time to send you some pics today. I promise you some yard photos for next Sunday!
Sorry, anon post 1:28 was from me...
MissTia! Loooove you Wind Chimes! I'm a Wind chime junkie. Wind chimes, flowers and water fountains are my thing(s).
the DD seed exchange!! :) i have enough purple morning glory seeds for at least a hundred people! and yellow/yellow daisies and i have a lot more seeds!!!
I LOVE morning glories!
email me your mailing info and i'll send you a HUGE honkin' envelope of purple morning glory seeds!!!
Be careful where you plant those morning glories. The farmers hate them & will get mad! They do take over & choke out everything. But almost anything green thing will if left to it's own. But you guys seem to live in town, so no farmers to bother. Around her in Indiana, they spary it & kill it. But the purple ones...are they dufferent? Maybe they aren't such a weed.
i think you're talking about 'creeping jenny' which looks like morning glories...has white flowers....it is VERY VERY invasive and harder than hell to get rid of....
I have some wicked vine growing under my deck....anyone know how to get rid of that?
what kind of vine?
hmmmm....not sure what kind of vine...green with kind of heart shaped leaves and some purple blossoms....the leaves might have a small amount of white running thru them, but I'm not sure about that....it grows super fast and wont die...I'm worried that it will get under the guttering and pop it off the house....vine is mean stuff!!
sounds purty! :)
if you want to get rid of it, first cut down and pull off all the vines (we'll get to the root in a minute here)....do NOT pull the vines down when they are wet or it has just rained....wetness makes the seeds spread more, and you want to get rid of it...pull down ALL the vines and put them in a plastic bag immediately---if you put them on the ground they'll seed!
now the root...dig into the ground with a shovel and try to get as much of the root as possible...again, put it in a plastic bag immediately....see what direction the root is going---you will probably not get all the root....try to dig into the ground every 2-3 feet and dig out chunks of the root...
you'll have to watch closely and see if more of the vine grows....if/when it does, deal with it immediately....
Thank you Miss Tia!! :)
My mom throws it in the driveway..LOL! I'll be out there with a trashbag tonight!!
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