Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Hollywood glamour girl..Rumer Willis

Rumer's been seen at every Hollywood glam event lately and she's obviously trying hard to change her former tomboy/punk image. She slaps on more makeup than X-Tina and masses of extensions and designer frocks...BUT..she just can't pull it off. Sorry, just isn't working. You have pretty eyes though. Hey, I had to say something nice, she's never done anything to me personally.


Anonymous said...

She has the longest face I have ever seen, not attractive!

Anonymous said...

She has a good figure. I guess you could put a bag over her head & just not look, if you were interested in that way. Anybody else remember The Unknown Comic? He killed me. She should do that. People would like her then.

Anonymous said...

The long hair detracts from her chin.

Anonymous said...

Plastic fucking surgery!!!! They can fix that shit! Please!

Anonymous said...

If only she would fix the chin & jaw. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Cher has a really long face too and is still you just never know.