Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Stella just grinds me!

I do NOT know what my problem is with Stella McCartney. I just can't stand her. I guess it's time to adress my problem. Every time I see her smug face, I want to kick it. I don't understand how someone can be a huge fashion designer with a huge name in the industry when they dress like this. I guess if your dad has eleventy billion dollars you can be anything you want. I wouldn't wear her crap if it was piled up on the street corner for free. I liked her mom. I admired, not her singing, but, her photography and the fact that she refused to wear a bra even after her tits hit the floor. But, Stella can bite me. I need help. Oh, and Kate Hudson, your head is getting too big for your tiny body. Someone feed her. 50 thousand boy friends and none of them can buy her dinner?


Anonymous said...

Kate looks like she's had some work done!!! She has that cat face thing goin' on! EWWW! Stella is a bitch, a complete snob, but how can she not be? For some reason ppl worship her. I don't get it. I like 1 thing about her & thats how she feels about Heather, her former step mother. She never liked her & was free about saying it. Wouldn't even offer to help Heather with a wedding dress when she married Paul. At the time I thot that was mean, but now we know, don't we?! She never looks like a designer. Most of them stand out in a crowd, think Lagerfeld or Halston. You know when somebody is a somebody. But she's not like that. She's rather plain.

Anonymous said...

Kate still seeing Lance Bass? LMAO!!That was for you DD!

Dirty Disher said...

Fucking gag! GAG! Yes, GAG!

Anonymous said...

You are right, Linda had some melons! But didn't she die of breast cancer? I remember her huge saggy boobs too. I really liked her, but she was kind of a kook about the vegen thing. & of course she took pictures, she probably got free film from dear old poppa Eastman! Paul referred to her as his "girlfriend" until she died. True Love!

Anonymous said...

Bearing in mind she has huge amounts of cash, great career, husband and kids and she's just got rid of the step-mother........why does she never, ever smile?