Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Still hot dad..admit it

Okay, Brad could lose the chumpy hat, but, he's still cute. He took Maddox to MotoGP Italian motorcycling Grand Prix in Italy Sunday. Italy??? Can you imagine? "Let's go to Italy today, son!" Oh, must be nice.


Anonymous said...

I always thought Brad shit was OVER Rated. Example; Ed Norton was waaaay Hotter and a better Actor in Fight Club.

Brad & the Skank, their prime Time has Passed. Pimping out Baby & kid Pictures is their Golden Ticket now days.

Anonymous said...

Norton is a great actor i agree but hes not better looking then brad even on his best days.

I dont think giving all the baby pictures money to charity is pimping out at all, they like so many other celebs these days have tried to have some control over the inevitable pap pics and set up a shoot instead.

Anonymous said...

Maddox had a good idea, he watches those 6 TV's doesn't he? He stuck Cheet-O's in his dads' ears & then thot it was so funny, 'cuz Dad is laffing after all, that he stuck some in his own ears. Kids...I tell ya'...

Anonymous said...

Brad was so sick hawt in "Legends of the Fall", "A River Runs through it" and "Troy". He is nakey in 2 of them, so thats a bonus! But now, I dunno so much. He's just a good lookin' dad. PS: "Fight Club" he was on fire! EN was cool but he's so nervous, fidgety. He's OK. Isn't he The Incredible Hulk now? That looks good. Kids will love that!

Anonymous said...

I hope these celebs make good parenting and enjoying your kids hot so it trickles down to the masses. Kids need their parents' time and attention, much more than they're used to having, for just simple things in daily life.

Anonymous said...

Hot compared to Michael Lohan, not hot compared to his previous self (or Harrison Ford)

Anonymous said...

OK, can someone tell me why these people constantly carry their kids? I'm pretty sure they can walk but if they can't I think we know at whom to point our bony, judgemental fingers.

Anonymous said...

2:20 do you have kids? We hold them because we want to. Its a walking hug. Because they grow up and we dont get too anymore. I still lift my 6 year old up when I get a chance. Because it wont be to long that she will be like my 13 and 16 year old and be to old for the hugs and kisses and time with Dad. Its a Love thang!

Anonymous said...

I notice Brad likes to Hold Zahara a lot. Hmmmmm???

Woody Allen liked holding the Orphans too. One became his wifey.

LOL! The brangeloonies will go fucking crazy when either brad or angie marries one of the orphans.

James Haven will be so jelly~