“I’m still sober!” she says. “Just when I was about to change that and wreck my life, the cops came and saved me! I was saved by the bell, by the guys in the Seventh Precinct.”
Tatum explains her predicament further: “There’s no excuse for what I did. I lost my Scottish terrier, Lena, [three weeks ago]. That seemed to set me off. She got old. She got cancer. She was the fabric of our family. We had to let her go to heaven. My daughter and I had to put her down. It was too horrible for words. I couldn’t get out of it. I was going to my psychiatrist. I was doing everything I could do. I have the disease of alcoholism. It’s lifelong. I treat it every day by going to my 12-step program.”
Does anyone out there know how her statements about her fucking drug bust and her dead dog made me feel?? I just lost my only son..do you read about DD out buying crack or coke or heroin or booze to cope? No. I've been blogging to you on nothing more than the minor silly crap my doctor gives me for headaches, which aint shit. And I don't even use it everyday. I refuse to even ask him for anything else. I am NOT saying I'm a better person than Tatum O'Neal..I am saying I'm a stronger person and I'd be fucked if I hurt the rest of my family by pulling her bullshit. She needs to shut up and go to jail. She makes me sick. Also she's dead ass lying about being sober. Bullshit. Sick sick sick. She has kids to think of. I have no patience or tolerance for weak lying fucks who make excuses for their assholy-ness.
The dog was the fabric of their family. The FABRIC OF THEIR FAMILY!
Yeah, I got that. I stand corrected and headed for Hell. No doubt.
What a crap excuse for getitng caught, the dog died.
Must have been like nanny in peter pan and tucked them in all at night. One hell of a dog!
Miss Tia just lost a great dog..she didn't turn into a crack head. Tatum needs some jail time.
Does that mean they made it into a throw pillow for the love seat?
IF the death of a dog, whom you already knew was old, sick and dying, is all it takes to make you dive head first back into the downward spiral of addiction, I would say you were probably never clean to begin with. She was supposedly going to the AA meetings everyday, so shouldn't they have been helping her prepare for this loss?
And I was joking about the throw pillow, so all you Peta people, who don't seem to have a problem with the sexual exploitation of women, keep a lid on it.
We have Scotties. That made me sad. I can understand her feelings, but like was said, I would have been prepared for it, knowing what she knew. That would help you at the end, when it finally did happen. It would still hurt, but I wouldn't flip out & use my poor dead dog as an excuse to go smoke crack! NO! Not even! Why is she putting that on the poor doggy? Thats so lame. It's NOT the poor dogs fault yet she tries to convince us it is? I don't like her. I would buy John McEnroe's ceral now!!! As long as he doesn't have to live with me and serve me in bed!
Hey, I'm an alcoholic and not for nothing, she's f***ed up. Crabbie, you're right! The dog got old and got cancer. That's life. Even if it got hit by a car when it was a year old, that's life. You don't blow your sobriety over that. My husband, 28years sober now, told me even if I dropped dead, he wouldn't start drinking again.
i agree, but she did have an extremely fucked up childhood. I've read that when Melanie Griffith was screwing her dad Ryan O'Neal, they would have Tatum in there making it a threesome, she was a teenager then i think, or very young teens. that shit alone will screw you up for life.
She had a incestious relationship with her father??? @ threesome
OMG! A 3some with dear ol' dad? U kiddin' me? Uh...I'd be on crack too! Melanie is one f'd up chick too. We all knew that. Anybody that would marry Don Johnson TWICE is a messed up chick! Now she's a pervert too? And so is Tatum's dad? Hard telling what his sons have had to do in their young lives. No wonder that family is so effed. Gawd! Hollywood is nuts.
I didn't hear about the threesomes, but I'm not doubting it..not for nothing, she's old enough now to know how to deal with her personal demons regarding addiction since being in and out of rehab a few times.
bedbugsandballyhoo..I agree, She gave in to "stinking thinking" and you would have to be a member of AA or NA to know what that means.
Thanks DD! No, i didn't even have a beer after Molly died! i sat here and cried and made a Molly memorial page and a youtube page for her. and i STILL cry for her, but i wouldn't turn to drugs, or booze (i'm not a teatotaller, but i drink very rarely).
If the dog (or cat for that matter) is elderly, you KNOW it's going to die and you begin to prepare for it, it's still shocking and sad, but you are somewhat steeled for it. Deaths that happen suddenly are extremely hard, but you still deal with it.
Tatum doesn't seem to be a very stable person if a dog's death crumbles her world to the point she's back to crack. She does need some jail time. Rikers would do her good!
She's a junkie just like winehouse.
Really, what's the difference?
I feel sorry for her.
To be fair the "threesome" was not with her dad Ryan, Tatum and Melanie. It was Melanie, Tatum and some friend of Ryan's that was waaay too old to be with a child (at the time).
I did read her autobio "A Paper Life" and Tatum was pretty clear that her father was *not* involved in the threesome, but he didn't care that his friend had slept with his daughter. (on that occasion and many "friends of his" later) I think he told her it was her own fault or something along that line.
"She's a junkie just like winehouse.
Really, what's the difference?"
About 10 million dollars.
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